View Full Version : dd_rescue

02-14-2003, 08:18 AM
Hi there ...

I'm a bloody newbee using Knobbix .... but I like it ....

Last week my HD ( IBM 60 Gig ) crashes and I lost all my data ...

... now I tried to get the data with the help of dd_rescue back .... and dd_rescue generates a file ..... great ....

but ... what format is the file .... and how do i got the data out of it ....

please help ....


02-14-2003, 07:49 PM
--Yikes dude... You're better off taking the drive to a data-recovery specialist if it had really important stuff on it. Let the pros deal with it.

dd-rescue is good for getting around read-errors but as far as recovering a filesystem... I've used it on CD's and individual files, but even I wouldn't try to go THAT far with it.

(Insert Obligatory !!BACKUPS!! mention here)

Hi there ...

I'm a bloody newbee using Knobbix .... but I like it ....

Last week my HD ( IBM 60 Gig ) crashes and I lost all my data ...

... now I tried to get the data with the help of dd_rescue back .... and dd_rescue generates a file ..... great ....

but ... what format is the file .... and how do i got the data out of it ....

please help ....


02-15-2003, 09:47 AM
Hi ...

that means .... that i have to know the filenames/foldernames

I did a overnight dd_rescue and got a 2 Gig File ....
now what to do with this file ????

can you give me an example of the right orderspelling for dd_rescue



Profis are to expensive....