View Full Version : network help, printer and desktop

02-14-2003, 04:48 PM
Dear friends,
I am a little unsure why I cannot use my printer. I have two pcs, laptop, and desktop, the printer is attached to the desktop, running xppro. Should I be able to use openoffice as were it a real programme, to wit, write and print documents?
Is this a problem with the network in general. I connect through DHCP over a netgear 314 router, and since I am obviously on the internet, I cannot see why I do not see the desktop.
The My documents folder on the desktop is set to share by simple file sharing, so I have a feeling that it is the NTFS security structure that is the problem, by how, I am unsure.
When installing XP I did not set a root admin password, as I am the only real user. Simple, no logins, easy and flawless networking. Now that I am trying to run linux on the laptop, there seems to be no way of either machine recognising the other, as I cannot see the laptop from the desktop, either.
There are icons and pull downs in the network part the control panel, but they seem to do nothing. Is this because I am running the OS from the CDROm drive, or will I have problems with a installation as well?
Many thanks, and apologies for the ignorance.

Alll good wishes,


02-14-2003, 08:09 PM
Well, I believe I can answer two of the above questions at least...

To configure your printer (if it's supported) click on the KMenu and then under the folder called "Knoppix" will be an icon for Printer Configuration. After that's set up, you should be able to print from OpenOffice using CUPS. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here as my printer (Canon S520) is not yet supported so I'm not entirely sure it's that simple.

As far as accessing the "My Documents" folder on your Windows computer:
Knoppix automatically detects and mounts your FAT32 and NTFS partitions as read-only and places icons for accessing them on the KDE desktop. Simply click on the appropriate icon on your KDE desktop to view your "C:" drive (eg "hda1") then navigate to "Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My Documents". Note that since your drive is NTFS you won't be able to save your documents if you edit them in OpenOffice or KOffice.

Also, you can view the files located on your Windows Desktop by using the same method as above for viewing you My Documents folder. The only difference is that path would be "Documents and Settings\<your user name>\Desktop".

Hope this helps!

02-14-2003, 08:17 PM
Dear R and friends,
That helped, insofar as I can connect the printer directly to the laptop, but still cannot get it to work when connected to the main box. I guess the question is, can one network from knoppix or not? If so, how? I need to share printer. Since I can use the internet from the router, why can I not see the other computer and use its periperhals as I did when all boxen were running xppro?

Many thanks for the answer, as I got some work done.

Best wishes,

02-14-2003, 08:44 PM
Dear R and friends,
That helped, insofar as I can connect the printer directly to the laptop, but still cannot get it to work when connected to the main box. I guess the question is, can one network from knoppix or not? If so, how?

The answer to THAT question should be yes. Using the Printer Configuration tool I mention in my above post you can choose to use a printer that is connected via a WinXP box with printer sharing enabled. It will detect all the printers on your network that are shared. Then you just select which one you want to you use and the driver for it.

Connecting to shared WinXP drive on the network to exchange files is something I haven't tried yet, but it IS possible. Check out the FaqUsing (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/FaqUsing) and the FaqSambaQuick (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/FaqSambaQuick) for more info.

If you need more help with this post your questions here. If no one else chimes in with the answer before I get home tonight (should be about 8-10 hours from now) I'll try to give you some step by step instructions on how to do this stuff. Sorry for the wait, but I'm at work right now and I don't have my Knoppix disk with me (I know, shame on me).

02-15-2003, 01:16 AM
Dear Rob,
That is of immense help, and you are very kind to take the time to write.
I now have the network, and can see the computers and printer, but not use the printer. I have done everything in printer management I can think of doing, to no avail.
Still, being on the network is a huge advance.
Now, I have found out that there is really no way to play a DVD, in spite of the player being there, but this is of little consequence, as getting the printer printing is close at hand.
I deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness. One would think some enterprising soul would come up with "Linux for wusses," with genuine hand-holding support, but in the meantime, we are all a little like Blanche duBois.

Very best wishes,