View Full Version : Knoppix STD hdinstall with partition

02-06-2004, 11:25 PM
Hi, I'm very novice at linux. I recently got the Knoppix STD and i want to do a hdinstall so i won't have to depend on my slow cd-rom. When i try to install, it first have to use the Partitioning tool cfdisk. I can't really figure out what to do in that.
What i did was made hda1 linux swap as boot. and hda2 as linux. i then used the Write command and then i'm not sure what to do after that.
Is there any other commands i should know about?

02-06-2004, 11:51 PM
It is probably better to create hda1 as linux and hda2 as swap. I use 500 MB for swap, the rest is linux (ext3) filesystem. You then need to write the partition table and quit the program. Then, select hda1 for Knoppix install.

Of course, this will wipe out all data on that hard drive. If you intend on dual booting, or resizing ntfs partitions to keep data, it is better to use partition magic or partition expert from acronis first before installing Knoppix.

02-07-2004, 01:20 AM
I put hda1 as linux and hda2 as linux swap. I put hda1 as primary and hda2 as logical partitions. after i wrote the partition and quit, it asked me to chose the drive to partitioin using swap so i could only chose hda2. after that, it gave me the error of not meeting the requirements saying "Please make sure that you have an free partition with at least 1 GB to install knoppix on. Also we need a swap partition with at least 128 MB, if you don't have 512 MB Memory or more."

I tried different combinations of making the hda's as primary and logical. Probably theres a combination i missed?


02-07-2004, 02:15 AM
Not sure what's going on there, but I always make all my Linux partitions primary.

02-07-2004, 02:32 AM
I put hda1 as linux and hda2 as linux swap. I put hda1 as primary and hda2 as logical partitions. after i wrote the partition and quit, it asked me to chose the drive to partitioin using swap so i could only chose hda2. after that, it gave me the error of not meeting the requirements saying "Please make sure that you have an free partition with at least 1 GB to install knoppix on. Also we need a swap partition with at least 128 MB, if you don't have 512 MB Memory or more."

I tried different combinations of making the hda's as primary and logical. Probably theres a combination i missed?


Can you post the output of fdisk -l so we can see the actual size of the drive and the partitions that are on it.

02-07-2004, 08:32 PM
The laptop has a 4 gig Hardrive,32mb, and like a 466 Mhz. Its and IBM Thinkpad 380XD. It's very old, i'm jsut trying to make some use into it.
On the partition I put the hda2 linux swap with 500 MB and the hda1 linux with whatever is left. I only made 2 partitions, trying to keep it simple.
I didn't have this problem when i installed it into my desktop, but i shouldn't except any problem from the laptop neither. i have the hardware requirements the knoppix std needed.

02-07-2004, 09:08 PM
The laptop has a 4 gig Hardrive,32mb, and like a 466 Mhz. Its and IBM Thinkpad 380XD. It's very old, i'm jsut trying to make some use into it.
On the partition I put the hda2 linux swap with 500 MB and the hda1 linux with whatever is left. I only made 2 partitions, trying to keep it simple.
I didn't have this problem when i installed it into my desktop, but i shouldn't except any problem from the laptop neither. i have the hardware requirements the knoppix std needed.

That still does not let us see the partition table to check if anything thing is messed up though. Try this then make your partitions both of them primary, the swap type 82 the other type 83 and set to bootable then write the new table and reboot. Next once booted again mkswap /dev/hda? replace the question with the partition number you created for the swap then for the / partition you created use mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda? again replace the ? with the correct number now try to install.