View Full Version : Internet Config?

02-07-2004, 12:50 AM
I'm a bit scared to configure my internet for Knoppix.. even though the people at Accesscomm (where I get my net from) said that the connection would reset to my XP when I restart.

I have:
My XP (where I will be running Knoppix from, also using it for XP alot)
A Windows 98 tower hooked up to my XP
Another XP (my sister's)
Two laptops (occasionally plugged in)

The problem is that I use a router, and I'm concerned that the 98, otehr XP, or laptops will be unable to run internet when I configure it to Knoppix, and that I don't know for certain if it will reset the internet configurations for Windows XP.

Please help me if you can.. I'd be very grateful :)

02-07-2004, 02:12 AM

Your router gives each machine a dynamic internal IP address via DHCP unless you staticly assign addresses through windows. Booting Knoppix on your LAN will not make any of the other machines lose their connection. It will not change the windows networking settings of the computer you boot it on either. It will just ask your router to assign it a dynamic IP address and if there is a driver for your network card on the Knoppix CD, it will just work automagically. You don't have to configure anything.

02-07-2004, 02:53 AM
If there is a driver on the CD, will it work right when I boot it up on Knoppix? Because I tried before, and I couldn't get onto GAIM.. and the guy that gave me the CD said that I would need to configure my net...

02-07-2004, 03:07 AM
You'll probably need to configure your nic. If the router is handling DHCP, that should be it.

02-07-2004, 03:23 AM
I kno I'll probably sound stupid, but what's nic? I'm really new to Knoppix.. and I've never had need to set up my net..

02-07-2004, 05:27 AM
NIC = network interface card. It's the card which your ethernet cable plugs into.