View Full Version : can't get to the goods

hyper type
02-07-2004, 04:55 PM
trying to get to the ftp server and i encounter the knoppix download agreement (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/download.php3?lang=en&link=ftp://ftp.it.ca/pub/mirrors/knoppix/).

ok, fine, sure, i agree to terms and click on "accept"...which brings up an "authentication" dialog asking for a username and password?!?

i have no idea wot this is supposed to be and clicking "ok" (or "cancel") doesn't seem to do anything.

if it matters, i'm trying to d/l this using a mac (os x ...10.2)

wot gives??

02-07-2004, 05:38 PM

I tried, from the link you gave, and I can't even get past the "accept" screen - I thought it might have been a "cookie" related issue, so I enabled accepting cookies, and it still didn't get past the "accept"....

I backed out, and tried another mirror site, and the same thing, I can't get past the "accept" screen. Considering you can get past this, and I can't, only thing I can think of is that Knopper.Net (in its d/l server), is having problems. :?:

Maybe someone else can help you further,

02-07-2004, 05:46 PM
trying to get to the ftp server and i encounter the knoppix download agreement (http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/download.php3?lang=en&link=ftp://ftp.it.ca/pub/mirrors/knoppix/).

Where did you find that link ? It doesn't seem to exist on the download mirror page, which is here:
All the ones I've tried work the way they should (your link however does not work on my machine either)

hyper type
02-07-2004, 06:11 PM
cuddles -- misery loves company. sort of glad to know it wasn't just me being stupid (um, assuming you're not stoopid too ;-))

windos -- thanks so much for that link. it seemed to work, no prob. i am quite certain i got the link i posted earlier straight from the knoppix.net site, but i've been searching so many diff linux distros in the last couple of daze, i can't be absolutely sure.

i'm from canada (eh), so if i remember correctly, the knoppix d/l page offered a cdn mirror up at the top of the page and i went with that i think. i'll dubble check that l8r.

right now i have access to a buncha files and i'll have to look around for instructions re installation of this kewl-sounding distro...

again, many thanks