View Full Version : Can't get Kppp to work in knoppix

02-07-2004, 08:08 PM
I Downloaded and installed approriet driver for my lucent winmodem wich Kpakager said installed ok, But after configuring kppp it keeps telling me cant open the modem. I have modem position set at dev/ modem in device tab not the dev/ttsy 1,2,3 etc... poition This is same setup wich worked just great in SuSe 8.1, Mandrake 9.0 & 9.2 . Maybe something wrong with that driver I cheked my kernal version using uname-r in console wich gave version 2.4.22 anybody had similar problem ,fixes or suggestions Help is apprecieted By the way using Knoppix 3.3 installed on hard drive with about 7gigs of space. same computer That i tried oter distros mentioned that worked fine

02-07-2004, 10:47 PM
I use pon and poff instead of kppp. In any case, make sure your user is (at the very least) a member of the dip group (edit /etc/group).

To get pon working, run the pppconfig utility.

02-09-2004, 02:38 AM
Make sure the modules for the modem are loaded with "lsmod". Look for the name of the driver in the list of loaded modules. If it's not there try loading the module with "modprobe module-you-want-loaded".
If you see the module use "dmesg" and look through the messages there to see if you see your modem being enabled, or if there are any errors when it tried to load the modules.
If the modules are loaded try "wvdialconf /tmp/wvdial.conf" which will autoprobe any modem it finds and let you know if it's working. If this doesn't find your modem it is probably not loaded, or is loaded at a really f'd up placed.

I wish I could help in more detail, good luck. Winmodems are a pain the the arse