View Full Version : New to linux

02-08-2004, 01:25 AM
Im new to linux... and i want to start a linux server, to telnet remotely to it and maybe have it host a website... is it possible to do that with knoppix or would i be better off getting slackware the machine i want to use....

02-08-2004, 03:43 AM
Depends on whether you want a production server or just to have fun.

Knoppix will do everything you want, but isn't the most secure or stable distro (or, rather, the version(s) of Debian you end up with are not the most stable or secure). See the security thread for more details.

If you want something more stable (and all the security fixes) you can "downgrade" Knoppix/Debian (there's a thread somewhere here on it).

Slack is (probably) a good way of finding out about Linux, but it'd be a slog for a newbie.

Fedora (aka RedHat) is a common choice for servers.

02-08-2004, 04:41 AM
Im new to linux... and i want to start a linux server, to telnet remotely to it and maybe have it host a website... is it possible to do that with knoppix or would i be better off getting slackware the machine i want to use....

You can use almost any distribution you want for that however you should not use the telnet unless you like the idea of somebody sniffing the plain text passwords used you should consider using ssh to have a secure login with encryption.

02-10-2004, 10:45 AM
If you can make it through the horrendous installation, I recommend Gentoo for a server. Once it's setup, emerge apache php mysql and you're set. Manual configuration is minimal.

02-10-2004, 03:45 PM
Im in the process of doing this....
I have the idea once im finished tweaking Im going to make a Knoppix bootable Cd with it that can be used as an install.

Its maybe a bit more than you want...
Basically its a dynamicdns client
hence you get a resolvable IP address.
Serverwise its fully webmin, minimal GUI which isn't started by default)

Running DHCP server and BIND for the clients... so you can just stick another knoppix PC on the network and everything just works

Webserver with the DocumentRoot premapped through NFS and Samba
Mail server so you have your OWN email address at home.....
which also runs from a web browser (the horde IMP project)
secure access.... Webmin on https only OR ssh only with no root login and only a single ssh user login with a long password.
Preferably after you ssh in you have say 60 secs to SU to another user which is the only action permitted of the ssh user
(this is tomake the root password easier to manage)

Routingwise its set up for 3 NIC's - One external, one internal and one Wifi
Internal and Wifi route via NAT over to the external eth.

both provide DHCP etc and set the default route on host PC's from that.

Im presently Up and running with it like this and have a bit more testing to do ... but basically its a knoppix server edition that can be used to attach notrmal live or HD install knoppix (or windows for that matter) clients.