View Full Version : Instal Yahoo Messenger

02-08-2004, 01:43 AM
I want to install Yahoo messenger or Opera while running the CD version. I want to install these programs into the home dir.

02-08-2004, 02:16 AM
You could use gaim.

My remastered CD has opera- http://overclockix.octeams.com

Dr Snark
02-08-2004, 06:21 AM
Gaim Won't Connect to Yahoo

02-08-2004, 06:53 AM
The version of that gaim I use in my personal CD connects to yahoo and msn just fine. I updated it to the latest release of gaim that supports the new protocols. Try it- it's in the Technomancer release of Overclockix, linked above.

02-08-2004, 12:34 PM
The problem is how to install on read only memory. This is my problem. Klik doesn't have the software I need. What if I want to install more software. I just want to know how can I install it in my home dir.

02-08-2004, 01:01 PM

Do you have any version of Windows OS?

If you do, you know that NO program can just instal a program, it has to instal libraries, configuration files, and (usually) requires changes to the system files. (in the Windows World)

Knoppix is no different.

My answer, in my own oppion, is, you can't. Not with just running the Live CD, and deffinately not to just a /home folder. I don't think I have encountered any program that "wants or will" allow this to be done. I am sure someone (may) have done this, I haven't heard of anyone yet, but, someone may have, I could be wrong, as I can (often) be.

My best thought is, see if someone has made a "custom" Knoppix CD that has what you want, that is my best answer. That, I think, is the only way you could have the program you want, and still run it from the CD only.

Hope this helps, and good luck on your issue,

02-08-2004, 01:21 PM
Ok thanks a lot. :( but can I make some fake links into my home dir? and than this thing would be possible. I want to make knoppix think that the usr/bin dir ar in my home or something like this.

02-08-2004, 01:47 PM
Hmmmmm, interesting thought, not sure, I know you can setup "symbolic links" to point to other places, but, thinking about this, not sure if it would work still. The symbolic links still would need to be placed in the area "mentioned" as read-only, I think [?]

Maybe I will just step back, and we both can wait to see what someone else might come up with? I think I am starting to tread into water, I am not sure of...

Now, if you were going to install Knoppix - heck, just add it, thats easy... But running from the CD, (I only did this for a few weeks, before deciding to go "all the way", and install the whole thing on my system. My new system never saw any other OS, just got Knoppix, first thing. Its a wonderfull OS :D), so, I am not that familiar with getting the CD to do anything more than make me want it on my system.

Sorry to bail on you, but I am sure someone will have more knowledge about this, deffinately more on this subject than me :oops:

Dr Snark
02-08-2004, 02:28 PM
iM NOT DOWNloading a whole distro and overwritring my friggin install just for one prgram, i can live without it.

02-09-2004, 12:39 AM
iM NOT DOWNloading a whole distro and overwritring my friggin install just for one prgram, i can live without it.

Fair enough...but fyi, you already have a whole distro...in your knoppix live cd...no need to download again. And no need to overwrite anything either...just create a little space on your drive for it. Gaim won't even connect consistently for me with the latest release on a harddrive install at the moment though...I often have to use Ayttm.

02-22-2004, 06:27 AM
The reason that I see that Gaim won't connect to Yahoo is the fact that it is trying to connect to pager host:scs.msg.yahoo.com. Instead it should by trying to connect to:scs.yahoo.com. Even if you manually change this setting, it still doesn't work! Any ideas?