View Full Version : How do I start nfs?

02-08-2004, 02:04 AM
I am trying to connect to another Linux machine (linda) using nfs.

The nfs daemon does not seem to be starting correctly.
When I issue "/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start" it _seems_ to work
but sometimes hangs up. However when I ps shouldn't there
be a line with nfs? I do get a line rpc.nfsd - does this mean the nfs daemon is loaded? When nfs-kernel-server hangs up I exit the root shell
and suspect this is causing problems.

Then when I try to mount the share (linda) the mount command hangs up
but sometimes I find to my surprise the share was mounted after all.

What is the correct procedure to get nfs started?
I've read all the forum articles with nfs in the subject.

This is what I've done so far:

I have linda and knoppix listed in /etc/nfsshares.

I have linda and knoppix listed in exports in the form:
/ knoppix(sync,rw,no-root-squash)
and have done exportfs -rav

I have an fstab line for linda as follows:
linda:/ /mnt/linda nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
linda:/home /mnt/linda/home rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

I mount the shares as follows:
First I mount the shares under /mnt if they do not exist.
mount linda:/ /mount/linda
mount linda:/home /mount/linda/home

Thanks for any insights.

02-08-2004, 05:07 PM
Problem solved. javascript:emoticon(':D')

You have to load /sbin/portmap before /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server.

Everything smooth now with nfs.
