View Full Version : new to knoppix. could use some help.

02-08-2004, 07:09 PM
I got a knoppix 3.3 live cd from a friend and I love it. The only problem I'm having is connecting to my i.s.p. This is the first time I've used anything other than Windows so my understanding of knoppix is almost zero. My question is, is there a way I can connect to the internet using my compuserve 56k connection while using the knoppix live c.d.? If there is an elementary explanation I would greatly appreciate it. I feel like an infant learning to walk but I love knoppix so far and would like to continue to learn how to use it. Thanks for any help you can give me.

02-08-2004, 11:20 PM
Try running kppp, Kmenu->Internet->connect->Kppp

If your modem is a winmodem then it will not work, if this is the case go to linmodems.org and find out the type of modem you have. Some winmodems may work, when you know what sort of modem try searching this forum and there may be a solution.

Or you could buy a hardware modem.