View Full Version : Firewall and ADSL/PPPoe config

02-08-2004, 09:40 PM
Hello to you from Montreal, Quebec!
Using Knoppix 3.3 I succesfully and easily connected to my high speed connection with the wizard for ADSL/PPPoe connection.
When I'm using Windows 98 I use a firewall name Zonealarm and it does cut intrusion from the outside in my system(even programs who want to connect to the net without my knowing about)

What program or config is there available with Knoppix?
I have heard that Linux system are better protected, is this true?



02-09-2004, 03:42 AM

I used to have Win98, and yes, I also had ZoneAlarm - was the best freeware I ever owned :D

Try a apt-cache search on either guarddog, or firestarter...

I prefer the guarddog, but I also tried firestarter.

GuardDog was easier, and forgetable after you set it up, I had problems with FireStarter, and making it come up, and down, when my ISP connection wasn't running.

GuardDog runs all the time, I see it when I boot, but it is so transparent, unless I run the Shields Up from Gibson Research - then it pops up.

I am sure of other firewalls, you pick, I like what I like, but thats me...

02-09-2004, 05:55 AM
Hello to you from Montreal, Quebec!
Using Knoppix 3.3 I succesfully and easily connected to my high speed connection with the wizard for ADSL/PPPoe connection.

What program or config is there available with Knoppix?
I have heard that Linux system are better protected, is this true?
I second GuardDog. It was extremely easy to set up on my hard drive install (I'm not sure about CD operation). You can check on its operation by opening a shell and typing sudo tail -f /var/log/messages and watch the log as it's created.

Linux, by its nature, is more secure than Windows, especially Win98. Remember, ARPAnet (the predecessor to the Internet) was built on Unix systems. Windows didn't officially have any Internet functionality until 1996 (factoid: the first edition of Bill Gates' book The Road Ahead didn't even mention the Internet -- to hide this fact, he bought back every copy he could find :shock:) and was built on a core with no inherent security of any kind -- and at least 20 flaws (http://www.secunia.com) that will never be fixed because they can't be fixed. No operating system is perfect, but Linux is better. You often hear that a patch for Windows has not fixed a problem or made things worse. It happened just a week ago.