View Full Version : update modules.conf after compile kernel

02-10-2004, 01:54 PM
Hi all.

When somebody installs a distribution, this comes with a kernel and much modules compiled. The system already formed so that it can load those modules. But when you install a new kernel and compile it single with the modules that you need , the archives modules.conf and others continue being formed according to the initial configuration. Then, I ask myself if there is some command who serves to update these configuration files. Normally the configurations of the distros are very opened to be able to accept hardware very varied.

I work in a Knoppix 3.3 inside a laptop samsung x05 with 2.6.0 kernel version.
I know this is a generic answer but when I compile a kernel I ask myself always the same. How know linux what modules can load with a new kernel? There is a command that look up the new available modules in the kernel and update the .conf files that it needs?

I must recognize that the subject of the module still is a mystery for my :-(
PD: like so many others

Sorry by my badly English.
