View Full Version : Modem Dials, Won't connect

Dr Snark
02-10-2004, 06:16 PM
Ok I jst spent 2 days downloading the new 3.3 update, but one thing, my modem will dial then it just hangs up, then dials again, in a loop, and i notced in the log window, it keeps moving up,

please don't tell me i have to go and re-install my old version of linux!

02-11-2004, 05:22 AM
What does the log say? Details, man, details! What modem, what provider, what errors are you getting? Check /var/log/messages for messages concerning your dial-up connection. What does it say there?
What keeps moving up in the log window? Messages? What do those little buggers say?

Dr Snark
02-11-2004, 05:42 AM
Its a Cendyne Serial Modem (EXTERNAL)

it works with the 2003 release, that's how i upgraded to 2004.


that moves up.

and i don;t know what the log says

in not getting any errors, it just says Dialig XXX-XXXX then waits for like 10 min, then says "Dialing XXX-XXXX"

02-11-2004, 03:10 PM
Dr Snark,

External modem hey, hmmmmmm, lets take a look at the phone line...

1 Dial-up connection? Check phone line by picking up a phone on the same line.
2 Are you getting the modem to actually dial? Do you have the sound up on the modem? Is it dialing the phone number, or is it possibly just waiting for a dial-tone - giving up - and trying again.
3 Does it complete dialing - and is it waiting for the connection handshake part - giving up - and trying the whole thing over again.
4 Since it is a external modem - what lights are showing up on the front panel of the modem.

Some ideas, from the top of my blonde head,

02-11-2004, 05:29 PM
Alright...what are you using to dial? Kppp? Additionally what modem initialization strings are you using?

Dr Snark
02-11-2004, 11:25 PM
Yes, Im using KPPP

it dials then hangs up,

it would say NO DIALTONME if it was in use, i hope?

and im using the normal

ANd the default strings that came woth Knoppix.

i tried it like 10 times in 4 hours and still NO connect. I Hope is not the new kernmal and doesn't like my Modem

and it gives me the OK

and i get the strange things that when i query it, like

1: OK
2: 56700

like i said, It worked peachy until i got the 2004 upgrade

02-12-2004, 12:32 AM
Yeah try this...I call it "the modem chicken dance" ha ha...(don't ask me why this works.) Just follow my directions to the "T".
Fire up kppp and try to connect when it fails go into the settings and change the default initialization string from ATZ to AT and try to reconnect. (You will probably have to wait 60 seconds before it dials but thats ok...just wait.)
I have run across this issue (or similar) with a number of modems and a number of configurations. This has always fixed it. (Call it a bug.)

02-12-2004, 12:34 AM
Oh yeah and that "GOBBLIE GOOK" is probably your computer trying to resolve PAP/CHAP

Dr Snark
02-12-2004, 12:48 AM
i will try tjhat and if it doesn;t work, im calling Bill Gates and asking him to come over for Coffee LOL