View Full Version : rgXnetchess

A. Jorge Garcia
02-10-2004, 09:24 PM
Can anyone help me to execute this program??? I'm tearing my hair out!!!

Here's the WIMPdoze version I thought I could run with WINE - no luck.

Here's the X11 version:

In the X11 version there's a zip file with the source code and a make file. The make file results in tons of compile-time errors unless you specify that the qt library is in /usr/include/qt3 (cc O3 -c -I/usr/include/qt3 chess.cc) but there are still a few errors....

There are 2 more zip files given, one dynamically compiled and one statically. I can get neither to execute. When I unzip these files I get rgXnetchess and rgXnetchess_static neither of which have the executable permission set. So I ran chmod +x rgXnetchess and click on it in KONQUEROR (home) it says file not found or does not exist. When I go to the shell and try to run it from there I get the same error (for both files).

How do I get this stupid program to work? Any help is greatly appreciated!


A. Jorge Garcia
02-12-2004, 07:31 PM
OK, I guess noone else is having any success at compiling or executing this program.

Here's my problem. I run the Baldwin High School Chess Club. We've had a bit of a growth spurt in membership of late. We don't have enough regulation chess sets and clocks to go around. I was hoping to have unrated tournaments played via a chess server. We were using http:// www.uschesslive.org until recently when my school decided to block every website under the sun....

How about using something like xboard? Well xboard does everything but play one-to one! You can play against the PC (gnuchess or crafty) with xboard as the interface. You can have the computer play itself. You can even play over some chess servers (ICC, etc.) but you can't play another player over your own LAN! Well, that's where rgXnetchess came in. It usues the xboard source code and adds a networking class. xboard already has a timer class built in. It should be just right for our needs. I guess not....

So, my new question is this. Is there some way to use Linux networking to have two people logged-in to the same PC and play the same xboard remotely so they each can have their own console?