View Full Version : Launching superkaramba problems II

02-11-2004, 09:54 AM

yesterday I sent you this question (see below) but today, when I started the computer, I realised that the superkaramba taskbar is actually beneath the "normal" KDE taskbar!! But does not match the screen (one half is "outside" it). How can I rescale it? What is happening??





I am trying to use superkaramba. I made an apt-get install superkaramba and it worked fine. Afterwards I installed libgcc1 libgtk1.2 libstdc++5 zlib1g libxrender1 and even went to
http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages to look for the dependences... I installed everything BUT now, when I do
Alt + F12
and try to choose one .theme (I downloaded 5812-tuxbar-pzoom-0.17g.tar.gz) , it does not react when I choose it... I just get one shadow at the taskbar for about half a second and... nothing else...

Do you have any suggestions? Thanks,


02-11-2004, 10:21 AM
I am sorry that I write so much... I solved the problem... I just had to scroll it down...

I hope that at least my explanation is of help to peoplo trying to install superkaramba with knoppix... it works perfectly!!! :D

have a nice day,
