View Full Version : No OO in Knopix 3.3

02-11-2004, 06:07 PM
I have been unsucessful in getting open office (OO) to launch. I am running KNOPPIX 3.3 on an athalon 800 with an ATI All in wonder card. It appears to begin decompressing and then freezes the system. No standard breaks (^C, Ctl-Alt-Del, Esc) free it. Have downloaded OO from Sun, installed it and it runs no problems from a ext3 partition. Have also tried Berry Linux and it also will run OO no problem.

Any advise?
Thx in advance

02-12-2004, 05:01 AM
o How much memory do you have (check with ' free ' command at console)

o Do you have a swapfile/partition enabled

o Check md5sum of your downloaded ISO

o If it's still freezing, switch to console VT (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and issue:

' dmesg ' and
' tail /var/log/messages ' == Look for error messages.

--Note that OpenOffice *does* take rather a long time to load. Give it about 3-5 minutes before considering it "dead". Start OO from Konsole command prompt (type ' soffice ' ? dunno for sure what the exact command is) so error messages will appear there. You can also monitor things by issuing:

' nice top -d 10 ' == Which will update every 10 seconds.

I have been unsucessful in getting open office (OO) to launch. I am running KNOPPIX 3.3 on an athalon 800 with an ATI All in wonder card. It appears to begin decompressing and then freezes the system. No standard breaks (^C, Ctl-Alt-Del, Esc) free it. Have downloaded OO from Sun, installed it and it runs no problems from a ext3 partition. Have also tried Berry Linux and it also will run OO no problem.

Any advise?
Thx in advance