View Full Version : Knoppix 3.3-2004.02.09 and clock setting

02-13-2004, 12:18 AM

I've been using Knoppix3.3-2003-11-19 running always from CD (I have to use MS W2K at same box too) and clock setting were just fine. I've noticed that the timezone was CET (I've never changed that...) by default and the hardware clock was considered as local time. Which means that after every boot KDE was showing the correct time (BIOS time) as being also the linux system time/localtime.

Now, I've updated to Knoppix3.3-2004-02-09 and everything seems to be fine except the clock. The default timezone seems to be EST and the time is 6 hours behind the hardware clock whenever it boots. So I must issue a 'hwclock --hctosys' command to make it right.

Has anyone experienced this problem? How can I make the new knoppix release act just like the release before this one?

I've also tried to change the timezone to GMT but after a reboot it's back to EST again - even after a 'save config' command and I've also created a persistent home user with no sucess too.

I've checked /etc/adjtime file and it seems that it is considering hardware clock as localtime. Do I need a /etc/sysconfig/clock file with a 'UTC=false' line in it? But I run knoppix from the CD, so even if a issue a save config command, will this file be persisted?

Thanks in advance for any help!