View Full Version : Any existing Knoppix with translucency?

02-13-2004, 07:21 PM
I saw the thread where FabianX, Probono, Alexextreme and Aay were discussing the klik.berlios.de site, but I'm wondering about any Knoppix distro that has translucency built-in so you can build software that wants to write to some of the read-only directories.
I'm trying to install wxwindows and I need to write to my /bin directory. Is there another way to do this short of translucency or a hard drive install? I realize the latter sounds like the obvious choice. But it isn't in this case.
Morphix has translucency, but it wouldn't let me install the debs for wxwindows and when I tried to build it, it didn't go too smoothly. It seemd like I could build it under Knoppix, but in the end it couldn't write out the files to the /bin directory and that was the end of the story.
So, my question is whether there are any LiveCD distros around in the here-and-now that have translucency that would enable me to do something like build wxwindows.

02-13-2004, 09:10 PM
I believe that Morhpix has translucency in it already. Klaus mentioned some time ago that he has plans to add it to Knoppix. Perhaps it will be in the 3.4 release.