View Full Version : WINE/ E/OS LX help

02-14-2004, 03:25 AM
Can anyone tell me where can I find info on how to use WINE/E/OS LX? I want to be able to run my windows programs using Knoppix from CD Rom First, is it possible to run windows program using Knoppix from CD Rom? When I try to open a windows program with WINE, I get the message that WINE is trying to open the program but nothing happens. I tried to open Internet Explorer which I have heard works with WINE. Also has anyone tried the other program E/OS LX? The Web site is http://meos.sourceforge.net/index2.htm. Please point in in the right direction on how to get windows programs running under Knoppix. Thanks.

02-14-2004, 04:20 AM
WINE's ability to run windows programs is by no means perfect. You are not going to get anything close to 100% compatibility. Nevertheless, I run a number of windows apps using wine. I'd highly advise you to look at Frank's Corner (http://www.frankscorner.org). There are a lot of helpful tutorials and tips there.

02-14-2004, 05:29 AM
Hey thanks. I will check it out. I'm trying to figure out what I am doing wrong since I know people have said that they have been able to use Internet exploer wiht WINE.