View Full Version : kernel 2.6 no init found on hd install

02-14-2004, 06:11 PM
yo! i installed the knoppix 3.4 cīt edition as "KNOPPIX SYSTEM WIE VON CD" to my harddisk.

i managed this by getting the knoppix-installer & templates seperatly.

now i want to start my linux with kernel 2.6 but it gives me KERNEL PANIC NO INIT FOUND.

which i init do i have to pass to the kernel via LILO ???

in kernel 2.4 it starts with no problems...

thanks for any advices,

tortele !!

02-14-2004, 06:26 PM
i found this

At first I could not figure out how you get it to boot 2.6 from a HD install though I just kept getting a kernel panic no init found no matter what init= I passed so I had to boot with the CD and edit lilo to show a prompt to boot the old kernel. Then I changed to the /boot directory and ran mkinitrd -o linux-2.6.1.gz to make a new initrd then changed the initrd= line in the /etc/lilo.conf to initrd=/boot/linux-2.6.1.gz and ran /sbin/lilo -v to write lilo and rebooted and Voila! kernel 2.6 on a HD install.

Edit: And I had to add:

## Needed for kernel 2.6
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

To the /etc/fstab as well to get the /sys mount needed for kernel 2.6 the directory /sys already existed so I did no have to create it.

here... http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36394#36394

i try this now...