View Full Version : Format NTFS Partition

02-15-2004, 12:41 AM
I know this is a newby question but here goes anyways, I want to be able to format a NTFS partition (in this case C:) using the knoppix CD, then reboot to my XP setup, ghost or whatever... The thing is I really prefer a GUI interface. Is there a way to do this?


02-15-2004, 09:55 PM
I know this is a newby question but here goes anyways, I want to be able to format a NTFS partition (in this case C:) using the knoppix CD, then reboot to my XP setup, ghost or whatever... The thing is I really prefer a GUI interface. Is there a way to do this?

Boot the Knoppix CD and use QTParted, a Partition Magic clone, located in the system menu. This will allow you to format with ntfs (at least with version 4.1) and do many other hdd chores in the GUI.
Tip: 4.1 is available in a .deb package here: