View Full Version : From Knoppix to a Debian developer's machine

02-17-2004, 11:00 PM

I need some headers and source code but I don't want to mess with my system too much to render it unusable as I am really enjoying it.

Yesterday I tried to compile the latest version of Wine and it asked for the xfree headers.
I'll need gtk+ headers as well for the Ruby-Gnome2 bindings.

I am running Knoppix 3.4 for the c't magazine. I installed it to the hard disk as debian. Now I will need to develop a little bit using this machine, so I am asking some kind souls where can I get some of the stuff that I need.

For example, where can I apt-get the source and headers for the xfree86 4.3 installed by Knoppix ? Because on the standard debian packages I was only able to find the packages for xfree86 4.2.1.

As you can guess I am totally new to debian, and I could learn everything the hard way but right now I am a little tired of reboots :)


02-18-2004, 12:55 AM

I need some headers and source code but I don't want to mess with my system too much to render it unusable as I am really enjoying it.

Yesterday I tried to compile the latest version of Wine and it asked for the xfree headers.
I'll need gtk+ headers as well for the Ruby-Gnome2 bindings.

I am running Knoppix 3.4 for the c't magazine. I installed it to the hard disk as debian. Now I will need to develop a little bit using this machine, so I am asking some kind souls where can I get some of the stuff that I need.

For example, where can I apt-get the source and headers for the xfree86 4.3 installed by Knoppix ? Because on the standard debian packages I was only able to find the packages for xfree86 4.2.1.

As you can guess I am totally new to debian, and I could learn everything the hard way but right now I am a little tired of reboots :)


Firstly apt-get install apt-file then apt-file update now it is ready to use there may be a few warnings of sites it cannot fetch from but that is not important you should be able to find everything you need. Then to get the X packages apt-get -s install -t experimental xlibs-dev should get you all of them you need not sure about the others but apt-file search file_not_found to find the package that contains it then you can install, repeat until you have everything you need.

02-18-2004, 01:44 AM
Thank you :)

But I need to reinstall everything again... My bad :) :roll:

I will try your way soon.

02-18-2004, 04:48 AM
Stephen, it worked great !

I was able to compile and install the latest Wine and now I am playing Ultima Online on linux, which is one of the two games that I play most of the time. The other one is chess at yahoo :)

02-18-2004, 05:45 AM
Stephen, I just installed the gtk+2 dev libraries and compiled the Ruby-GTK+2 bindings just fine and with that I was able to run a little app of mine.

Go Knoppix and Debian ! :)

Thanks Stephen. You help me a lot.

02-18-2004, 06:11 AM
Stephen, I just installed the gtk+2 dev libraries and compiled the Ruby-GTK+2 bindings just fine and with that I was able to run a little app of mine.

Go Knoppix and Debian ! :)

Thanks Stephen. You help me a lot.

Your welcome and good to hear you got it going there are a couple of little apps like that make life easier. Have you heard of apt-listchanges and apt-listbugs? The apt-listbugs bugs can be a little unreliable though when you go and check the bug reports sometimes people have opened old bugs because they have configuration problems or some other foolishness but when there is a real bug it comes in damn handy, the listchanges gives you the change log for the packages and there is good information in there sometimes about config files moving, having a to change the format or new ways of doing it things like that.

Edit: In future when you use apt-file you should update before the search or whichever option you are using so it will have a fresh packages list it is just like you would use apt-get.