View Full Version : knoppix 3.3 cd

02-18-2004, 10:15 PM
I have just ordered knoppix 3.3 and I would like to be sure I will be able to run it on my Win XP operating system.
Also I would like to get an address where it lists what exactly is on the cd. (the one I ordered is supposed to be the latest edition, about 2 Gigs)

TIA for any help

02-18-2004, 10:48 PM
I have just ordered knoppix 3.3 and I would like to be sure I will be able to run it on my Win XP operating system.

Sorry but Knoppix does not run on XP or win2k or any other operating system for that matter. It is an operating system. If this isn't what you meant then perhaps you could clarify.

Also I would like to get an address where it lists what exactly is on the cd. (the one I ordered is supposed to be the latest edition, about 2 Gigs)

TIA for any help

Go to any download mirror and get the packages.txt

02-18-2004, 11:48 PM
I was under the impression that I could just run the cd and play with knoppix using my ram and not touch or interfere with my Win operating system.
Then remove the cd and reboot into Win XP.


02-18-2004, 11:58 PM
I was under the impression that I could just run the cd and play with knoppix using my ram and not touch or interfere with my Win operating system.
Then remove the cd and reboot into Win XP.


That is absolutely correct.

02-20-2004, 02:24 PM
Thanks rickenbacherus for the replies. I think what I will do is install a second hdd to run knoppix.
I followed your suggestion and looked at packages.txt and was amazed at the number of programs.
I have been wanting to get my feet wet with linux for some time.


02-20-2004, 04:50 PM
Your missing the point....
Any other operating systems are irrelevant becuase knoppix doesn't even need a disk in the computer.

The only caveat is if you don't have enough memory then it might want to or need to create a swap partition. If you only have say <256MB then it might run slowly without one!!! but anything runs slowly with only 256MB RAM.

A DOS (Disk Operating System) like WindowsXX, DOS, Linux is divided into internal and external programs.

The kernel is the bit thats copied into memory to boot....
The rest of the commands be it word.exe or command.com are EXTERNAL commands, theyre programs on the disk which get executed.

Knoppix loads a lot more into RAM becuase it doesn't use a DISK...
The stuff remaining in compressed form on the Cd will obviously be slower than a fast disk!!!

This is why there's a HD install for knoppix....

knoppix cannot write to a NTFS partition (at least not current official versions) becuase this is a closed source filesystem. therefore linux hackers have had to reverse engineer it and guess... they did a really good job and you can read from it reliably BUT writing is still considered risky and as such is not a part of the current knoppix.

Klaus wan't people to have positive experiences with linux, not loose data!!! So if you want a persistant home for the LiveCD or whateve rthen you need a FAT partition of even a linux partition either on the same or a different disk.

Play with the live version, feel comfortable then think about a REAL install. Once you get your feet wet its surprising how many people dump windows alltogether....

02-22-2004, 09:42 PM
I think your missing the point I was trying to make. The reason I am thinking about a second hdd is so I can run it in FAT and install knoppix into it.
I will either do that or set up and old p75 I have and run knoppix on that.

02-23-2004, 03:22 PM
I think I detect a hint of irritation there....
If i was short its becuase time is of an essense here, I think fast I talk fast.....
(Or whatever the exact line is Mr. Wolf makes in Pulp fiction)
Don't get offended... look how many posts there are and we're just trying to prevent you being dissapointed or misled. We don't get paid for this you know :D)
Knoppix inparticualr is a popular choice for people coming from the windows world. Linux users are pretty much used to it. We also take time to try and explain misconceptions... and I was even complitmented on it from a Linux noobie right on this board a couple of days ago.
So here are some facts!!!

If you want to run a HD install then a real filesystem would be better.

If you make your second filesystem FAT then linux will be limited by the limitations of a FAT 'filesystem'.

The only advantage to this is you can write to it from Windows....

I was under the impression that I could just run the cd and play with knoppix using my ram and not touch or interfere with my Win operating system.
Then remove the cd and reboot into Win XP.

From what you said it appeared you wanted to run knoppix in RAM, not install it.

I have been wanting to get my feet wet with linux for some time.

This led me to believe that you don't know much about Linux...
perhaps its just my bad English misunderstanding ?

Most people coming to linux through knoppix use it as a LiveCD and get comfortable with it.

The reason you can make a SWAP file on a fat partition is strictly so that people who don't want to install knoppix but use it as intended as a live CD can do so without buying another disk.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic but do you really understand the difference between installing it and running it from CD ??

The P75 statement makes me thing you don't, you don't need to set anything up to RUN knoppix, you just put in the CD and boot.

I can tell you before you try it you will be dissapointed doing this on a P75. I'll assume its 72 pin DIMMS ... just how much memory do you plan to install ??? In order to get a reasonable amount its probably cheaper to buy a new PC.... Old 72 pin dimms are hardly cheap.

If you install a P75 AND a FAT then knoppix will perform like a pig. FAT is a very poor filesystem and linux swap is unformatted. When it creates a FAT swapfile it creates a 'embedded filesystem' on thge FAT.
Reading and writing to this is likely to keep a P75 pretty busy.

In short if you are planning to INSTALL then install it oproperly on a native linux partition. If you just wanna play around and get used to it then don't install it, use it live.

Rather than buy a disk to share files (if that is your intention) you could buy a USB key.

Remember we are just giving you the benefot of our advice on this.
Your initial doesn't actuially make sense. We are trying to guess what you mean.

The ADVANTAGE of the install is it gives you access to THOUSANDS of packages.... If your impressed with those already in Knoppix then prepare to be stunned by the numbers at www.debian.org
The DISADVANTAGE is that the HDD install is an advanced topic!

and you don't sound ready yet!
Don't be put off.... thats the WHOLE POINT of the LIVE CD.
Its for people like you who are interested to find out but don't want to do a whole install and potentially mess up there working windows system!!!

However, many people try it and you'll just start picking things up! Then when you have got to grips with it, consider the install!

Its just my opinion.....