View Full Version : Could this work?

02-19-2004, 12:52 AM
First I have to say I know (almost) nothing about Linux. Sure I can instal a linux distro and the programs I need (granted a "how to" is included with every program... heh...). I'm blank, enough about that...

What I need (or rather, want) is a bootable live-cd that does just one thing, irc stats. When I boot from the cd, it starts an irc client, bot and stats program (with included paratmers... so it starts sending stats, from the channels I want, to the ftp-server I want).

- Can this be done?
- Can I run Knoppix, instal what I want and set it up. Then take an "image" of this, and from this image make a bootable cd?
- Can I (the guy who knows nothing about Linux) do this?

Thanks for any help. It was worth a shot anyway...

02-20-2004, 03:44 AM
- Can this be done?
In theory, yes.
- Can I run Knoppix, instal what I want and set it up. Then take an "image" of this, and from this image make a bootable cd?
For something this simple you'd want Damn Small or a lighter variant.
- Can I (the guy who knows nothing about Linux) do this?
There's always a chance, you'll have to learn to write your own configs and scripts, but we never though Bush would get elected, either.

-Deadpan. Hope it helps.