View Full Version : knoppix KDE theme...

02-20-2004, 12:02 AM
ok first I gotta say I am a complete linux newb. I tryed out knoppix yesterday and fell in love so I installed mandrake on a spare computer of mine so I can have a dedicated linux box. But mandrake is just so damn ugly. Is there anyway I can get the KDE theme that knoppix uses onto my mandrake box? thanks guys.

02-20-2004, 12:13 AM
Yes, you can boot knoppix from the CD, mount your mandrake partition and copy things over. Then boot into mandrake and reconfigure KDE through the control center. Another option is to head to KDE-look.org and get whatever you like for KDE from there.

Like this-

pic from Overclockix 3.4 remaster of Knoppix 3.4 Cebit edition
