View Full Version : GUI Login

02-20-2004, 03:21 AM
I am new to Linux. I have only been using Knoppix for about 2 weeks on my Win XP Pro box. I am very seriously thinking about dumping XP and doing a hard disk install of knoppix.

Alas, there is but one thing holding me back: the multiple user GUI on XP.

My wife and I use the same computer and have come to enjoy the multi-user GUI in XP. I know that Linux is a multi-user OS and has been since for ever and ever, amen. But do you know of a GUI to simplify the process?

I will be frank, I consider myself very adept at dealing with technology and this user switching is giving ME a headache. This just won't fly with my wife. It needs to be simple. Not that she is simple, she just doesn't care enough about the tech side to learn something else new (sound like the average user to anyone else but me?).

I don't expect that there is something built into Knoppix, but perhaps there is a project out there that is trying take on my problem already.

Please help with any information.

Thank you in advance.

02-20-2004, 03:35 AM
There is in fact something built into Knoppix for this (and most versions of linux have it), it is called XDM, try installing Knoppix, you will see that it uses this automatically, no console input is used at all. If you need any help switching from XP, you can e-mail me at: andymadigan at yahoo dot com

02-20-2004, 12:45 PM
So what type of GUI does it offer? I saw some screen shots and all it looks like is the win 2k login. I looked it up on the net after your post and saw that Mandrake uses a similar login to XP, is that the same program with a different UI?

Sorry to bug you with such Noob questions, but I have to be sure before I jump in. I think I may be able to get a spare HD to install it on to test so if I don't like it I can go back.

02-20-2004, 02:36 PM
Knoppix is just about the only distro that doesn't use a login screen - specifically becuase its a live CD. When you make an install you get the debian login GUI automatically.

there are three GUI login managers out there....
xdm is the original (dm = display manager)
gdm is the one that comes with gnome
kdm is the one that comes with kde.

Mandrake being weird decided to make their won, like 3 isn't enough!!!
its a modified kdm and its called mdkdm.

Each has advantages and disadvanges and all are based on xdm.

gdm is better for remote logins, if you have one computer with lots of people connecting to their desktop from thin clients...
kdm is perhaps simpler and prettier but more work for the XDMPC broadcast from dumb terminals. (which as a home user you aren't interested in)

What your describing is perfectly normal for linux, indeed automatic logins of a single user are outside the context of a liveCD not recommended.

02-20-2004, 03:41 PM
So to ask a more specific question now that I understand a little more, does xdm, kdm, or gdm offer a icon style login like winxp? Or are they all win2k style?

02-20-2004, 04:26 PM
Its linux and it will take some getting used to.
Its whatever you want !!!
You don't even need a dm at all you can do it from a CLI
I think KDM has more themes ...
However non of them touch OS-X for changing users, very cool 3d rotation but just eye candy!!1

I think what you need to do is a HDD instal then you can start playing....
decide what you want etc.
themes.kde.org is a good place to look.

02-21-2004, 08:41 PM
Looks Great!

I did a HDD install and the login looks great.

I am having a very big problem now, but I am going to start a new topic for that.

Thanks for your help!