View Full Version : PCMCIA support?

02-20-2004, 05:28 PM
Hi, I was wondering if Knoppix natively supports wireless PCMCIA cards. I was thinking of getting a low end used laptop and a 802.11a/b card to use as a remote terminal for my main machine.

02-20-2004, 05:34 PM
Well, Ill test tonight....
I have a PCMCIA one and Ive theoretically tested it but without connecting when i was bored on a train!!!

It seems like its working but Id hate for you to buy it and then it not work...

From the HD install I can guarantee it works....with a Netgear WA311
Im also using knoppix as a router on a HDinstall with a WG311 and abolute nightmare card under linux. Using linuxant driver installer it works great under knoppix HD install.....

I didn't actually try MADwifi etc... but. its a bit more complex and IMHO not worth the hassle in your case when you can do a HD install.

02-20-2004, 05:41 PM
Well, Ill test tonight....
I have a PCMCIA one and Ive theoretically tested it but without connecting when i was bored on a train!!!

It seems like its working but Id hate for you to buy it and then it not work...

From the HD install I can guarantee it works....with a Netgear WA311
Im also using knoppix as a router on a HDinstall with a WG311 and abolute nightmare card under linux. Using linuxant driver installer it works great under knoppix HD install.....

I didn't actually try MADwifi etc... but. its a bit more complex and IMHO not worth the hassle in your case when you can do a HD install.

Thanks, the lastest disk I have is 3.2 and that did not work with my Nvidia chipset board's built in ethernet so it started me thinking that maybe some of the latest netowrk cards are not built into it. Then again maybe 3.3 cover's all this. I'll have to download it and see. Unfortunately I don't know anyone nearby with a laptop and PCMCIA wireless.