View Full Version : Accessing hda6 partition

02-18-2003, 10:02 AM
I installed Knoppix to my harddrive.
It was fantastic and simple. and I upgraded to KDE3.1 with the help of this forum.

Ive got a challenge i need help with though. When I went through the knx-hdinstall,
I left all the partitions the way they were.

so I have
hda1 as the boot
hda5 as the swap
hda6 as an extra partition that was there.

I have a 5 GB harddrive but it seems to only recognize hda1 and hda5.
so it is only recognizing 3GB.

however in my /mnt I have hda1 and hda6 listed and I can access them, but
none of the partion programs are able to recognize them.

can anyone help me recover the extra 2GB that are hidden?

thanks in advance for your help

02-18-2003, 12:25 PM
So you have a 3G boot on hda1?

To see all the partions try:

cat /proc/partitions

You can also see the swap space being used by typing:

cat /proc/swaps

cfdisk is the easyist to use to change the partitions on your machine. But be very careful as you can loss all your data.

(cfdisk -- edit)

02-18-2003, 08:24 PM
I believe he meant cfdisk

cfidsk is the easyist

02-19-2003, 01:33 PM
Thanks for all your help,

Here are the results
major minor #blocks name
3 0 5004720 hda
3 1 2887888 hda1
3 2 1 hda2
3 5 249448 hda5
3 6 1867288 hda6

So the hda6 in my mnt folder is the same one and its the
right size.

thanks again.

PS yep I have a 3GB hda1 partition, knoppix set the partitions itself
I figure Klaus knows a little more about linux than I do so I left it alone

