View Full Version : New to Knoppix - couple of basic questions

02-23-2004, 02:57 PM
I'm pretty new to knoppix, and I was wondering 2 things:

1/ How can I save my preferences for everything to the HD, so I don't have to reset everything each time i boot up?

2/ I can't seem to edit anything on the HD, or save new things - the permissions for everything seem fine, but nothing seems to save.

Some advice would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

02-24-2004, 01:29 AM

To save your settings go to the knoppix icon, (second from left on taskbar) and mouse over configure then click on save KNOPPIX configuration click your decive and then select what you want to save. If you start from a floppy you can type (at boot up) knoppix floppyconfig, config=scan, config=/dev/floppy. For everything else you can type knoppix config=scan, config=/dev/(whatever the device is. EX: hda1 (hardrive partition 1))

As for your hardrive question you need to right click on the drive you need and select change read/write mode. Don't do this if you have a ntfs drive because knoppix can't properly write to them (it will give you a warning if it is a ntfs)

Another usfull thing would be to creat a persistent home directory. follow the same steps as to save a configuration on Select Create a persistant home directory. This way you can bring you files with you.

I would suggest you creat a img file instead of formatting an entire drive.

to recreat the persistent home directy on boot up type knoppix home=scan, home=/dev/(device)

Make sure you don't type this when starting up knoppix config=scan knoppix home=scan(or something to that extent) you only need knoppix once to tell the cd what to boot then you can put in as many commands as you want.

My set up currently is the knoppix cd and a 64 meg usb keychain. On the key chain I have my config files and a persistent home directory this way I only have to bring two things with me.

this is what my boot screen looks like.

knoppix config=scan home=scan.

Oh and make sure you save your files to your Home directory, other wise they won't save. (some settings such as bookmarks save automaticly though)

hope this helped.