View Full Version : Knewbie 2 Knoppix - thin client question

02-24-2004, 01:01 PM
I am totally new to Knoppix but not to Linux - I am quite happy compiling kernels and stuff.

I want to create a thin client that can drop on to a Windows desktop which will enable me to view X over the internet. I had thought of using Weirdmind which is X in a browser but because of changes to the Java security model, this will need some work.

It has been suggested that Knoppix or Knoppsys (?) is a possibility - ie create a tiny Linux machine that just contains X which will auto-ssh on startup, detecting the relevant hardware of the Windows box. This would actually be a nice solution as long as the module was not too big.

Does anyone know whether this has been done or is actually possible?


02-24-2004, 05:12 PM
Take a look at:

Creating Linux Diskless Client For Windows 2k/2003 Terminal Service
By Avinoam Levkovich



02-24-2004, 07:05 PM
That's an interesting application which I will keep in mind but it's actually the wrong way round. I have a Linux server for which I am looking for a thin client to run on a Windows (anything - 98, XP, 2k ...) machine.

In many ways the ideal cross-platform solution is browser based but in the real world, most client machines will be PC.

One solution would be a stripped down CygWin but I since you can run Knoppix as a demo on a windows box, it was suggested to me that it could be used as a thin client.