View Full Version : Newbie Question KDE3.1 and GNOME 2.2

02-18-2003, 11:14 PM
I will be recieving my Knoppix 3.1 cd in the mail hopefully today 8) .
I understand from this forum that there is a test version of Knoppix out with KDE 3.1 support. When will KDE3.1 be included on the regular Knoppix release? On the same note what is the timeframe for Gnome 2.2 in Knoppix?


02-18-2003, 11:43 PM
Most likely Gnome 2.2 will not be put in the official Knoppix. There is simply not enough room. Maybe someone will remaster a Gnome version. I have heard that the next version of Knoppix will be release after the CeBIT show in Hannover Germany. The show starts March 12. We can all hurry up and wait :D