View Full Version : [DISTRO] New distro Knoppix-Gentoo based (Gulp!)

02-27-2004, 07:07 PM
Hi all. This is my first post on this forum.

I want to do a GentooBased Live CD distribution (Gulp!), but I need some Knoppix Help.
I builded a generic 2.6.3 kernel with hotplugging, but i have some problems.
When i boot the sistem with this kernel the hotplugging dodn't load my realtek net modules (that is in the kernel). This kernel alredy load about 40 modules of sound cards!!!! It is very strange. All works, but 40 modules are too much!
My question is: Does knoppix use a special program/script to filter hotplugging? I know that knoppix use a 2.4.x kernel without hotplugging inside, but I want to know what is, for example, the green bar that it show when i boot from a knoppix CD.

Thank you for all, I want this distro the best!


02-28-2004, 12:05 AM
Have you asked the people who made jollix?

03-09-2004, 11:07 PM
Have you asked the people who made jollix?

might have to learn german for that one...
pity since I really like gentoo.

03-10-2004, 01:21 AM
There's an english section of their forum, and webpages that will translate text for you.

I was thinking of remastering jollix once version .3 comes out.

03-15-2004, 06:46 AM
...but I want to know what is, for example, the green bar that it show when i boot from a knoppix CD.

Thank you for all, I want this distro the best!

:wink:All of the autoconfig is in linuxrc which is in the miniroot.gz which is in the boot.img.

You'll need to loop mount boot.img, uncompress miniroot.gz and then loop mount miniroot.img.