View Full Version : INTERNET HOW TO?

02-28-2004, 01:58 AM
Ok, I am a Knoppix n00b, I have run the disk and got to the desktop, how do i connect to the internet, I am useing SBC DSL as my provider, and I am useing a speedstream modem? Help would be appreciated. :)

02-28-2004, 02:37 AM
Is the modem connected with ethernet cables or USb? if its ethernet then you can just use DCHP to connect. If its USB that could be a little more complicated as you would need drivers for the modem which if its a new modem knoppix proaby won't support. Then try starting up konqueror and If I'm not mistaken it should ask for username and password is applicatable.

As for Metroid Prime, Great game.

02-28-2004, 03:01 AM
Yea, its hooked up to ehternet, ill try that thanks.

and yes prime pwns

02-29-2004, 04:03 AM
ok, as i stated before, im a linux noob, very different from windows, but anyways, what is DCHP, how do i use it.. and so on, as i also stated before, i am useing sbc yahoo; with a speedstreat ethernet modem... thanks again for the help (hopefully) :)

02-29-2004, 05:11 AM
Ok, I am a Knoppix n00b, I have run the disk and got to the desktop, how do i connect to the internet, I am useing SBC DSL as my provider, and I am useing a speedstream modem? Help would be appreciated. :)

If it is Ethernet:
Go to "K" Program button and then --->
"Internet" / "Connect" / "ADSL-PPPoE Config"

And follow the prompts...
Pretty much you just answer yes. I have the same setup as you and I am typing this on Konquerer right now!

Good Luck...(Shouldn't need it..its easy...!)


02-29-2004, 06:49 PM
ok, i can get through this... then it says the connecting has been triggered an this box disappears.. so i try to use knoqueror and it says something about this page is not avilable, so i am assuming i havent connected right. so how do i fix this?

02-29-2004, 06:50 PM
also, when i enter my sign in name during the setup, do i need to ender the whole @soandso.com or does it know what my isp is?

02-29-2004, 10:53 PM
also, when i enter my sign in name during the setup, do i need to ender the whole @soandso.com or does it know what my isp is?
IYou need to enter the whole string, with ISP, like metroid@SBCGlobal.com. It's easy, and it works great!

03-01-2004, 01:07 AM
also, when i enter my sign in name during the setup, do i need to ender the whole @soandso.com or does it know what my isp is?


Metroid, like the post before says:





Answer (CLICK) "YES" to all questions.

And then it will do what you said (say it is triggered) and you should be connecting fine. I have exactly the same dsl setup same modem/provider so I know this works. You can go to sbc and get your list of News servers and smtp/pop addresses too, and get everything working cool.
Your DNS will download automatically by answering YES to /etc/resolv.conf question. Like I said answer YES to all questions!
I think your problem before was you put just your username in w/o the @sbcglobal.net. This will not allow you to logon to SBCYahoo Concentrator. And of course you needed to answer YES to all those questions ;)


03-01-2004, 06:43 PM
yea, i do all this, but then it when i open knoqueror it comes up to the main page, and does when i try to go to a site eg. hotmail it says this page is not avalible, i also tryed this with google and other things.

03-01-2004, 06:58 PM
yea, i do all this, but then it when i open knoqueror it comes up to the main page, and does when i try to go to a site eg. hotmail it says this page is not avalible, i also tryed this with google and other things.

All I can tell you to check is make sure you have your userid and password in correctly. I am almost positive you messed it up somehow. I don't think there should be any other reason it wouldn't work. Since you have the same exact modem/provider as me, the only other explanation I can think of is your ISO was damaged? Did you do an MD5 check on the ISO after you d/loaded it? Compare it against the one listed on the Knoppix web page. It could also be a bad burn? (Though I REALLY doubt it.)

Is your Windows logon working right for the SBC dsl? If so, then the connection is fine. Just make sure you answer yes to the questions and put your userid and password in <u>exactly</u> as they are put in in windows.

As a side note: You should also be getting the DNS ip's #s put in automatically in your /etc/resolv.conf file. (Once connected)

You may think you have entered your password and Username correctly, but I am telling you-triple check to make sure you have capiltalization where appropriate and everthing...it has to be exact!

I am pretty new to this also. But I do know that there aren't that many things that can 'break' when you are setting up your DSL. So......
