View Full Version : Gnome Vs KDE

02-19-2003, 02:35 AM
Knoppix uses KDE as opposed to Gnome by default and seemingly new versions will have the latedt KDE and not Gnome. Is this a Debian thing? or a Knoppix thing?

02-20-2003, 03:12 AM
--It's a Knoppix thing. There's only so much that Klaus can fit on one self-contained CD. Personally I'm kind of relieved to see Gnome go, even tho I like it better than KDE in some ways**. KDE is Knoppix default, and icewm is a good alternative. I don't think too many people will miss having GNOME on the CD as well as KDE, when trimming it off will save such a significant amount of space.

--Of course, Knoppix being open/free software and all, I'm sure somebody will fork the project and make a Gnome-centric version of Knoppix w/o KDE, and that too is a Good Thing to have for an alternative. :)

**Gnome is my default desktop when not using Knoppix. It loads faster and is less resource-hungry than KDE. BTW, my favorite "lightweight" WM is Sawfish, but it's really hard to program custom menus for it (which is why I haven't.)

Knoppix uses KDE as opposed to Gnome by default and seemingly new versions will have the latedt KDE and not Gnome. Is this a Debian thing? or a Knoppix thing?