View Full Version : NEwb question

bob bobbish
03-04-2004, 09:18 AM
How do I load the cd into ram. I have a gig of ram so from what "ve read it should work fine. I keep reading about a command line for lilo or the like but where is it? Whne i boot with the cd in it just starts without me typing anything. Is there a key I need to hit while its booting so I can pass some arguments to the loader. Or do I have to edit the boot.img file to tell it to load into ram. I ve been interested in Linux for a while and was thinking this is a good opportunity to try it out but I am having little success doing what I want to. Oh Yea I don't have a floppy so I can;t do that way. Is there another flavour (or whatever its called) of KNOPPIX.ISO that I can download that boots into ram? Thanks in advance.

03-04-2004, 03:25 PM
i believe if you type

knoppix toram

at the syslinux boot prompt, it should copy the cd to ram. you can find other arguments in the knoppix cheatcodes file in the /knoppix dir of the cd

hope this helps :)


bob bobbish
03-04-2004, 11:06 PM
i believe if you type

knoppix toram

at the syslinux boot prompt, it should copy the cd to ram. you can find other arguments in the knoppix cheatcodes file in the /knoppix dir of the cd

hope this helps :)


Just where might this syslinux boot prompt exist? That is the question my friend! I never see it and have no idea how to access it. And i have looked at the knoppix cheat codes but again haveno idea where to enter them. Am I really stupid or what?

03-04-2004, 11:28 PM
when you first boot up, there's a screen that says press F2 for help.... there is a prompt at the bottom. Type in your cheatcodes at that first screen. If you just press enter it will boot normally.

03-05-2004, 02:25 AM
thx arkaine23, i guess i should have been more specific....

bob bobbish
03-05-2004, 02:27 PM
thx arkaine23, i guess i should have been more specific....

Thanks...don't remember seeing it but I'll look for it