View Full Version : IBM Netvista X problem

02-19-2003, 07:21 PM
Kind of a Newbie Question. I am able to boot Knoppix (luvin it) and although I am fine with the command line I am too new to get things rollin without a x window environment. Problem is that KDE starts to load automatically and after the splash screen for kde shows up it reverts back to a blank screen after the config step (2nd icon). So I cntl-alt-bksp out of it and there are no error messages. What gives ?

if there are no errors what am I to think ? Now when knoppix boots in the beginning there are c-loop errors, is this related? I did the md5 thing and got a green icon (assuming the file iso is fine).


Knoppix is totally new to me, though I run suse at home exclusively and I'm still on a learning curve with linux.

me :?

02-20-2003, 12:28 AM
Try a lower resolution.
knoppix screen=800x600
knoppix screen=640x480

02-20-2003, 05:22 PM
Well, I'll try changing the resolution when I have a chance. I unfortunately am at work and we are forced to use the same configuration as our customer so I have to reboot every time I try this. One more concern, one of my buddies here at work came over and told me he thinks my problem is that either the iso image or cd is bad because there are so many errors referencing files etc., and cloop errors at boot.

I'm wondering if I should just purchase the cd and have it shipped or would I be wasting money ???

Glad there is a forum to shout out to......thanks folks....and thank you stonent for helping....I'm gunna try in moment.....
