View Full Version : What Gives with the German?

03-08-2004, 01:15 AM
ok i was recently using Knoppix-Std and whatnot, and it stopped working, so i downloaded the regular version of knoppix, its in german, can i change this or was this 4 days of downloading gone to waste? :?

03-08-2004, 02:58 AM
Shouldn't be a waste,

Try one of the Knoppix boot cheatcodes, English, and a whole slew of languages, are usually included with all of the distro's...

You might try boot: knoppix lang=en or boot: knoppix lang=us

Don't enter the "boot:" that is the prompt during boot-up, I prefere, and have found, a majority of the time the "us" works, even though a lot of times the F2 screen never shows it.

Hope this helps,

03-08-2004, 05:02 AM
4 days of downloading

To get 700Mb? Got in Himmel, what are you using for a 'phone line, a string with a can either end?

03-08-2004, 08:53 PM
LOL perhaps an acoustic coupler?
reminds me of:
sad for you, if it takes four days you have a slow conection.

03-08-2004, 10:14 PM
This sounds like you need knoppix-customize http://homepage.hispeed.ch/py430/knoppix/index.html! It is a small program for both linux and windows that can change the language of the knoppix iso-image amongst other things... I tried it succesfully, but make sure to check the md5sum before using this program and keep a back-up copy around just in case!