View Full Version : videos on web sites?

02-20-2003, 08:38 AM
Dear friends,
Obviously one cannot watch the real player only clips, but what about the wmp ones? Is there no way to have, as they say, a media rich experience in linux?
I have become used to knoppix, and it seems a shame to have to reboot into windows to watch a dvd or see the weatherreport.
Any ideas?
Appropos dvd, since i have a separate dvd drive and cdrw, I often boot with the knoppix cd in the cdrw, and have tried to play movies on xine. No luck. Any one able to do that yet?


02-20-2003, 08:57 AM
I got windows media to play on a Red Hat box with the Codeweavers Plugin (not free). I haven't tried it on a knoppix install.

As far as the DVD issue goes, I recommend using Ogle rather than Xine. I got Xine to work once, but i've found it to be a bit buggy.

02-20-2003, 09:14 AM
--Xine doesn't do auto-repeat, either. At least not that I know of...

I got windows media to play on a Red Hat box with the Codeweavers Plugin (not free). I haven't tried it on a knoppix install.

As far as the DVD issue goes, I recommend using Ogle rather than Xine. I got Xine to work once, but i've found it to be a bit buggy.