View Full Version : Changing LIve CD Kernel to 2.6

03-09-2004, 11:22 PM

im developing a version of linux based on knoppix. I want to upgrade the kernel on the live cd to kernel 2.6 and i also want this to install to the hard drive when the hard drive install script is run

after severals hours of research i just dont seem to be able to find out what i need to do

how would i go about this?

can ne1 help?

thanks for any help



03-15-2004, 02:06 AM
Search through this site for kernel 2.6. There is a lot to do, building the kernel, building cloop, updating some modules, adding a line to fstab etc.

If I were you, I would wait for the release of Knoppix 3.4, or download knoppix 3.4 CT, which has a working 2.6 kernel.