View Full Version : Fails to boot

02-20-2003, 05:39 PM
I get to the first screen and then no matter what I do, it fails at "searching for CD of /dev/scd0" (or words to that effect).

Anyone got any idea why this might be happening?

02-20-2003, 05:44 PM
What happens if you boot with the failsafe option?

Is it able to boot fully?

'knoppix failsafe'

02-20-2003, 06:34 PM
Yup. I've tried that and also the no<whatever> options (all of them) to no effect.

The cursor flashes a few times next to the text and then freezes. The keyboard stop reacting around this time (i.e. I can't turn the Num-Lock on or off).

Is there a way of producing verbose screen output so I can tell at what point it's hanging?

02-20-2003, 09:22 PM
You can try: 'knoppix 2' and see if you can sucessfully boot into text only mode.

If you can successfully do this, then type 'dmesg |more'

You can read through this and see if you see any error messages.

My suspicion however is that you have a bad .iso image.

You can try downloading the md5 file to check out the file size.

You may need to download a new iso (sigh).

02-20-2003, 09:35 PM
I had the same problem with my first knoppix CD on some machines and not others. Based off a post that I found through google, I reburned the CD at a slower speed (8X instead of the CD-R's max capability of 40X). It fixed the problem when working with some CD-ROM drives.