View Full Version : Learning

03-10-2004, 03:52 AM
Ok, i was able to start up Knoppix, mess around with it some(not knowing what i was doing), and figured it might be better if i knew what i was doing. Where should i start? i have no knowledge of linux or unix. Can some one show me how to do a basic command or something?
any help appriciated :D

03-10-2004, 04:03 AM
read all you can read about knoppix and debian and if knoppix makes you happy install it to a hard disk and play whit apt-get read the first post at this forum to learn the basic commands and... welcome!!!!!! :wink:

03-10-2004, 04:26 AM
Ok, cool thanks for the help so far, Is Xman a good source to learn from? Also can you show me an example of a more complex comand? Because i am able to start a program but i dont know where to go from there.(just so i have an idea of what to do)

03-10-2004, 06:37 PM
actually what you normally do in a computer and probably some more.
what do youwant to do? surf the net?, use konqueror or mozilla, maby some simple games? a little programming,? perhaps some nice music?
it would help to know what you normally do with your computer/s as there are LOADS to do with knoppix/Gnu/linux.
oh btw here is a link to some knowlege on linux.
and ofcource here and other linux forums, just ask spesific questions, a question what to do is, eeeh, hard to sum up in a few days.

03-10-2004, 06:46 PM
Im a Newbie and could someone please tell me how to make a a boot floppy, From the directions I have seen so far it seems they have made something very difficult from something that should be very simple. thanks

03-10-2004, 07:50 PM
make a bootfloppy for knoppix? using what os? win5, win98, win2000, XP, linux, solaris..?
for linux, you can do
cat /mountpiont/of/knoppixcd/KNOPPIX/biit.img >/dev/fd0 OR
dd if=/mountpiont/of/knoppixcd/KNOPPIX/biit.img of=/dev/fd0.
in win9X run mkbootdisk.bat (under the KNOPPIX directory) with a formattd floppy in A:.
for XP there are other ways that i have little knowledge about.
if these did not help ask furter and i (and others) will try to help.

03-10-2004, 10:45 PM
Im tryin to learn how to program using unix or linux, because there are several programs in knoppix that I want to learn how to use. I was just wondering if someone could show me what a command might look like just for a visual refferance.

Also, I have 2 different computers. On my Gateway laptop, i am able to boot up knoppix with no problem. On my HP Pc i CAN NOT boot up knoppix, i tried to look for the bios settings but i dont know where it is on that computer, Is there a certain F key that i have to hit on start up or something? (i tried F-8, but didnt see bios settings in there)

03-11-2004, 01:16 AM
BIOS settings are usually accessed by either the DEL key, or the F1 key. My ol' Gateway used the DEL key - interesting - Gateway uses Del - giggle

When you hear the single "beep" during boot, usually the BIOS beep, hit the DEL key.

What usually causes problems when knowing "exactly" when to hit this key is, that most installations of Windows, from Dell or Gateway, run their "Windows" Splash Screen" during all the "behind the scenes" booting stuff. So, its hard to know the "exact" time to hit the key for BIOS access. I can tell you, I booted a many Windows sessions trying to get the precise BIOS key timing. (having to repleatly boot/shutdown/boot/shutdown until I got to the BIOS screen)

Hope this helps,

03-11-2004, 02:38 AM
Im a Newbie and could someone please tell me how to make a a boot floppy, From the directions I have seen so far it seems they have made something very difficult from something that should be very simple. thanks

1) It is best to start your own thread rather than hijacking another especially when your question is totally unrelated to the original post.

2) Get Smart Boot Manager (http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/) and make your life easy. SBM can boot any cd (not just Knoppix) on any machine w/ a floppy drive. It even comes as a windows executable file. (sorry-no spyware included)

03-11-2004, 04:31 AM
Ok thanks for the help Cuddles, I was able to access my Bios settings. Now what would I want to change in the settings to make it able to boot from the cd?

03-11-2004, 04:57 AM
Ok thanks for the help Cuddles, I was able to access my Bios settings. Now what would I want to change in the settings to make it able to boot from the cd?

Look for boot order. If your BIOS is so enabled you would be able to boot Floppy or HDD or CDROM first. If you don't see an option to boot cdrom first then choose floppy and make a boot floppy for Knoppix.

03-12-2004, 01:03 AM
Ok, cool i found out my problem, and was able to run Knoppix.

Whats a good program to learn on, thats already in Knoppix?