View Full Version : Flonix dial-up

03-10-2004, 07:23 AM
Flonix is one of the most successful small derivatives of Knoppix and build 41 is a masterpiece. So far, I have been unable to dial out with any version. Earlier versions used terminal-mode wvdial with an extremely helpful pop-up commentary - but it didn't work for me. This latest release has an elegantly constructed simplified GUI dialler on the menu. It can find my ttyS0 modem but it only dials the first three digits. What am I doing wrong? Or is this a feature of the entirely unique French telephone system? Should I insert comma pauses to simulate the French system? Where? How? Using the international prefix didn't work. If this version is franco-specific, is it possible to connect via the console? Some considerable further guidance would be appreciated, either way.
Many thanks,

03-11-2004, 01:57 PM
Problem solved. Not sure what's going on, but the following works:
Placed three commas after the first three digits in the telephone number string; make sure there are no spaces. Either it will work or a message box will appear advising that no connection was made and asking whether one is desired. Answer 'yes' and re-type all the data - this time commas are not required. Just don't forget that COM1 = ttyS0.