View Full Version : Need help transferring my files

03-12-2004, 06:31 AM
I am having some serious problems with a hard drive of mine. Windows on the drive became corrupt so I turned to knoppix to be able to access my data. Luckily, under Knoppix I can see and access all my files but now I must figure out a way to transfer them to another computer to back them up before my hard drive fails completely and so that I can format the drive and start over again. I am not familiar with linux or knoppix at all so I do not know how to install any programs or do much at all. There are other computers that are on the same network as this computer that run windows and I am trying to figure out a way to communicate with them. If someone could explain to me how to transfer all my data to another computer on the network and save it I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thx :)

03-12-2004, 05:31 PM
eeeh, ok. try this link. i have discussed similar things there. hope it helps.
i frequently use sftp between two computers using knoppix, it works well and i have used knoppix and an external CDburner for the task of backup more times than i can remember (i use cdrecord, not the easiest for a beginner).
EDIT the actual link might help i guess. links actually as there is two of them.

03-13-2004, 09:29 PM
Ah well, see the problem is that I dont have a router. Also, I have no idea how to run sftp or any of these other programs people seem to be talking about. I really do apologize for being such a newb at this but I'm desperate for help from anyone who can walk me through this. I can't lose this data :(

The way I'm networked with a bunch of other computers is through the college connection that I am on btw.

03-13-2004, 10:21 PM
ok as for router, it is not necesary, jst a network cable would do (a crosover one, not a straight one) and just run knoppix on both computers. on one you start sshd and log in from the other.
if you already have a hub, switch... and a working network, no problem there then.
sshd alows the programs sftp and scp to log on to the computer running it and transfer files to/from it (it also alows ssh for remote administration).

to get sshd going you can run my scripts., one on each computer (sudo scriptname):
run first this on one.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key; ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key; ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key; ifconfig eth0 sshd; passwd knoppix
now the scipt below on the other.

ifconfig eth0; sftp knoppix@

to get them to run copy them to two text files and make them executable, that is chmod +x /search/path/filename (i have them both on a floppy).

just give the password and you can do cd (to change directory), put to put a file from your computer on to the other), get, eeeh well this s not that hard i guess...

cd /serch/path/to/file/
and then
get ./file

the first script helps generating the crypto keys, configure your networkcard, starts sshd and asks for a new password for the user knoppix.
the second script configures your networkcard, logs in to the first computer and you will be asked a few easy questions (in the style: do you realy want to conect to this computer?).

hope this helps. if you want more info just ask.

03-27-2004, 10:57 PM
ah, thank you so much my friend, you are my hero. I unfortunately have just gotten around to trying to do this. Fortunately, I'm doing it at home now where I have two computers networked through a router so it should make things simpler. I just one have one final question.

You mentioned:

" that is chmod +x /search/path/filename (i have them both on a floppy)."

I did not understand what you meant by this. Other than that I'm set. Thanks a lot.

03-27-2004, 11:47 PM
thats the command to make the scrip executable (change whats needed) and then a statement saying (I think) he has the scripts on a floppy.

03-28-2004, 12:03 AM
ok, how do I run that command to make the txt files executable.

I tried going into xterm and typing in

chmod +x file:/home/knoppix/textfile.txt

but I get an error saying it failed to get the attributes of the file: no such file or directory.

Also, since i'm doing this on a home network now, will I need to determine the correct IP for the scripts? Since there are multiple computers on this network how will the script know which computer I'm trying to work with?

03-28-2004, 12:16 AM
type the command in a termanal window.

03-28-2004, 12:29 AM
alright, nevermind I got all that figured out.

I ran the first script on the computer with my information. It asked me for a passphrase. I typed knoppix in though the cursor doesnt move or anything. I hit enter and typed it again. Then I got a message saying.

open /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key failed: permission denied
saving the key failed: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
generating public/private rsak key pair

What do I do now? :/