View Full Version : Smart boot

03-12-2004, 02:43 PM
Wow , im a newbie greenhorn at Linux , i finally got Knoppix to boot using the boot disk info I found in the Knoppix folder. first i tried Smart Boot and no luck it seems there are too many things to do like Compilingetc, etc, Smart boot is supposed to be simple to use. I just hope they dont make it any more complicated! :o

03-12-2004, 04:05 PM
Wow , im a newbie greenhorn at Linux , i finally got Knoppix to boot using the boot disk info I found in the Knoppix folder. first i tried Smart Boot and no luck it seems there are too many things to do like Compilingetc, etc, Smart boot is supposed to be simple to use. I just hope they dont make it any more complicated! :o

Well I'm glad you got Knoppix to boot but SBM is anything but complicated. It comes as a windows .exe file! I don't think it could be much easier than that. Under Linux simply download the sbminst-static, make it executable and run it. You can even point the installer to your hdd so that you wiill have the option of booting from cdrom given to you when you power on.

Bernd Blaauw
03-13-2004, 02:06 AM
Jeremy Davis of the FreeDOS Project has succeeded in transforming Smart Boot Manager into a Comboot program for Syslinux/Isolinux.

it's started the same way as Memtest for example

example bootdisk:
(option 1, then 3 for starting SBM, then cdrom)


now we can boot from cdrom on any 386+ computer, even though the BIOS eltorito support was for Pentium or newer.

03-13-2004, 02:17 AM
I tried DLing SBM linux sbminst-static ,all I got was a text file on the Desktop where I placed it? :cry:

03-13-2004, 01:46 PM
I understand I have to compile the Text Document I downloaded but when I click on the link in SBM all i get is some web hosting co? in the UK. Thanks

03-13-2004, 04:29 PM
I understand I have to compile the Text Document I downloaded but when I click on the link in SBM all i get is some web hosting co? in the UK. Thanks

No compiling necessary.

Make the script executable.

chmod +x sbminst-static

Then run the script:


03-15-2004, 03:43 AM
How do I make the Text Document executable?