View Full Version : Note about the other forum on Linuxtag...

02-21-2003, 06:42 AM
--It's been moved here:

03-10-2003, 08:56 AM
--Well, apparently now the English forum on Linuxtag is GONE... Anybody know the details of why???

--It's been moved here:

Robert Michel
03-10-2003, 11:38 AM
Savlve Dave!

[quote="Dave_Bechtel"]--Well, apparently now the English forum on Linuxtag is GONE... Anybody know the details of why???

http://www.linuxtag.org/forum/ (this is a forward to http://www.linuxtag.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl)

And find under News
"2003-03-03: English forum closed! Please use http://knoppix.net/forum"

Also on this page a Link to the archive of
KNOPPIX-EN: threads 617, postings 2193, last post: 27. Februar 2003 um 15:14 von BugsBunny

KNOPPIX-TECH: threads 159, postings 472, last post:03. März 2003 um 08:17 von Thomas Schmitz

Theses two archives are also searchable, use "Suche"
If you mean some there are still important informations inside the
threads, please link/repost write a summery or put the content into
FAQ or HowTos of your one and only English-Forum - wiki

On one hand I'm sorry, that not all forums in different languages
are at one place, on the other hand shows the wiki of this page
and the hardware-db of www.knoppixfr.org that is good to have
several infopages ;)


PS: I have wrote the webmaster of www.knoppix.org that the info about
the linuxtag-forum German/English is old.

Robert Michel
03-12-2003, 01:07 AM
--Well, apparently now the English forum on Linuxtag is GONE... Anybody know the details of why???

Salve Dave!

I found the thread were the discussion about the English forum
took place:

I can't understud why these guys have disscussed this in the German one. Thread starting posting:

Neue Forums Struktur

« am: 03. März 2003 um 16:58 »

Seit das Forum vor zwei Wochen neu strukturiert wurde, ist die Anzahl der posts in der englischen Abteilung gegen Null gegangen.

Ich konnte dort eine Menge Anregungen bekommen, besonders von Dave Bechtel.

Beitraege von Dave finde ich heute vor allem unter www.knoppix.net/forum.

New Forum structure

Since the forum had been new structured, two weeks ago, has been the
number of post in the English section gone to zero.
What a pitty.

I could get there many impules/ideas, especialy from Dave Bechtel.

Contributions from Dave I find today especialy unter


Oh no, why haven't tom asked you, Dave, directly?
It seems that your postings are so heavy-wightly that you made
this forum to #1.

Ask me if you want a translation of the full thread.


03-12-2003, 07:53 AM
--Thanks, bro... Honestly I don't know why they restructured it in the first place. All of a sudden there was a post from Friedemann with no explanation. I eventually posted a link to the new forum (after being forced to figure it out on my own), and then went on vacation for a week.

--They really didn't need to split up the forum in the first place; it's no wonder it died off afterward. (shrug) Guess that's what happens when there's a lack of reasonable communication from the forum-admins. :cry:

--Let's not let it happen here, people... I liked the Linuxtag forum software but I guess they don't want us over there.

--Note: I welcome people around the world to post here, as long as you use English (or at least close enough for us to understand the gist of it... ;-)

--Well, apparently now the English forum on Linuxtag is GONE... Anybody know the details of why???

Salve Dave!

I found the thread were the discussion about the English forum
took place:

I can't understud why these guys have disscussed this in the German one. Thread starting posting:

Neue Forums Struktur

« am: 03. März 2003 um 16:58 »

Seit das Forum vor zwei Wochen neu strukturiert wurde, ist die Anzahl der posts in der englischen Abteilung gegen Null gegangen.

Ich konnte dort eine Menge Anregungen bekommen, besonders von Dave Bechtel.

Beitraege von Dave finde ich heute vor allem unter www.knoppix.net/forum.

New Forum structure

Since the forum had been new structured, two weeks ago, has been the
number of post in the English section gone to zero.
What a pitty.

I could get there many impules/ideas, especialy from Dave Bechtel.

Contributions from Dave I find today especialy unter


Oh no, why haven't tom asked you, Dave, directly?
It seems that your postings are so heavy-wightly that you made
this forum to #1.

Ask me if you want a translation of the full thread.


Robert Michel
03-12-2003, 03:06 PM
Salve Dave!

> I liked the Linuxtag forum software but I guess they don't want us
> over there.

I don't see an "over there" and I'm quite shure that > 90% of all
proude "old European" like the americans and only dislike the
us-goverment. No I think the main reason is simply the language
and personal focus.
People of LinuxTag try to promote Linux in Germany so their personal
focus lays on supporting the German forum. By becoming Knoppix
so populare they have "suddenly" many newbies to supported, to
use the time and making PR/interviews, to develop Knoppix.....
I can understand them to choose mainly the constomer language.

BTW, have you reconiced that the 2-3 biggest PC/IT magazins in
Germany had a Knoppix CD with 500 MB Knoppix inside, the oldest
computer-TV-magazin an interview with Klaus Knopper (7 minutes),
a national radiostation mention serveral time Knoppix as consumer tipp
and several weekly magazins / newspapers have written about Knoppix.

This hype is the reason why the newst Knoppix is presintated today
as give-away CD-ROM on two stands at the CeBIT in Hannover :lol:

The darkside of this succsess that the normal GNU/Linux focus,
to konquerer the world, seems to be a second aim, today.

I full agree that the deccission how and what it has gone with the
English form was gone very very unhappy :cry:

I'm shure that this spiltting into two strong places could be
positiv, and the adress knoppix.net is more reasonable than
linuxtag.de ;)
But what about other languages, there is one Japanes, Frensh, Spanish
and Dutsh forum too. At the moment there is a hype and the forum-owners like to support these, but wouldn't it better when they
are all under one roof?

I think we (knoppix.net wiki) should care more about linking these
other small languages, with user and developer from all of the world,
Knoppix can become even more international with much more full supported languages.

Personal I prefer English for technicaly disscussions, international
this is for GNU/Linux more efficent and personal I still hope that
me English will become better, BUT by having more than 4 languages
about Knoppix, we need several people which post translatet or
summariezed reports about interesting postings in the other forums.

So please all use the wiki to encrease the FAQs and HowTos!
This compremised stuff is easy (less work) to translate than several
uniqe postings.

So again, I'm unhappy with this development, too, but they will
have thought, there are one populare 100% English forum
(knoppix.net) and the English forum at linuxtag. Probably its
better to have just one strong place.

Like you have wellcome postings in broken-English, I would say,
feel free to post into the LinuxTag-forum in English, when a problem
is not answered here :lol:

Happy greetings

03-12-2003, 03:22 PM
Hello Dave, you write

>I guess they don't want us over there.

I don't think so.

There was the forum www.linuxtag.org/forum german/english and then there was the *new* forum www.knoppix.net/forum only in english.

As a result there were viewer and viewer posts in the english section of www.linuxtag.org/forum. And it looked as if nearly all english speaking knoppix user had gone to www.knoppix.net/forum.

So Friedemann closed the english section and as far as I know no one out of the english speaking knoppix community complained about it until today.

If you think that there is a need for two or more english foren then ask Friedemann to reopen it.


Robert Michel
03-12-2003, 03:48 PM
So Friedemann closed the english section and as far as I know no one out of the english speaking knoppix community complained about it until today.

Not 100% correct, there was one who was disappointed, too: A. Jorge Garcia ;)
http://www.linuxtag.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=allgemein;action=display;num=1047232 722

But your explaination was much better....

03-12-2003, 08:36 PM
--(sigh) I guess I just don't see the point in doing that, Karl. This forum was created primarily as a 2ndary or "backup" forum in case Linuxtag was down (which it was, more than once -- for over a month one time!!) Then, once the color scheme changed here and it was easier to read, more people started coming over here because the Linuxtag software didn't have English labels - it was all in German.

--I've seen a similar thing happen with SuSE. Their distro 7.x was the best in the world at one time IMHO, but they still had problems focussing on English users. I switched from SuSE 7.3 (DVD) to Knoppix, and there's still a tendency to overlook the massive English-only user base.

--It's good to have redundancy in case something goes down, but honestly I don't think Linuxtag really cared - or else they wouldn't have tolerated the massive forum downtime. If somebody wants to open another English forum for redundancy, GO FOR IT - just let us know where it is, and do your best to keep it online. I'll definitely try and check there for new posts as well.

--Personally, my dad's ancestry is German, but I really have no bias on what anybody's family origins are. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, Jew, green (it ain't easy bein' green == Kermit), Asian, Pakistani, German, whatever. As long as you're not trying to harm the US or crack into anybody else's system, I'll honestly try to help you out. It's just that the only language I really understand, is English. ;-) (What I wouldn't give to be a "natural" translator, like the Apostles in the Bible! http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?passage=ACTS+2:1-12&language=english&version=NIV&showfn=on&showxref=on )

--I'll say it again: Klaus Knopper is one of my personal heroes. However, I really think he could do better with updates to Knoppix, and supporting the English user base.

--Just my $2.02; Euro conversions available next week. :roll:

Hello Dave, you write

As a result there were viewer and viewer posts in the english section of www.linuxtag.org/forum. And it looked as if nearly all english speaking knoppix user had gone to www.knoppix.net/forum.

So Friedemann closed the english section and as far as I know no one out of the english speaking knoppix community complained about it until today.

If you think that there is a need for two or more english foren then ask Friedemann to reopen it.


A. Jorge Garcia
03-13-2003, 12:34 AM
Yup, I used my sophomoric German skills to post a question about what happened to the English forum on linuxtag and was told that there wasn't that much traffic anymore.

Well, I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! That forum was doing just fine, thank you, until they archived it and split it up. Why did they go to the trouble of doing all that if they were just going to cancel it????


03-13-2003, 02:06 AM
I may be mistaken but I thought that linuxtag is a German LUG. As far as I'm concerned, I liked the oportunity to check out both the linuxtag forum and here, but if they (linuxtag) feel like they no longer want to support their english language forum, that is OK with me, after all they are located in Germany, and KNOPPIX is German. They were doing it as a service for us english speaking users, and we have this forum for english speaking KNOPPIX users, so ...

I was a die hard Slackware user for years, it got so that the Slackware forum could not even function because it was either being broken into or flooded with trolls and the likes. We really should be thankful for what we have...

BTW, I hardly use Knoppix anymore, but there is something special about this forum, so I'm here...


A. Jorge Garcia
03-14-2003, 12:22 AM
I too, must admit, to being a Slackware defector. I used zipslack and bigslack alot. However, KNOPPIX is so user friendly and rock solid that I could never go back!
