View Full Version : An easy question

03-19-2004, 02:29 AM
I finaly got the okay to install Linux to my D drive. So, if I install Knoppix to D drive will it bring up a prompt on what OS I want to load? And If I install it to my D I will be able to modify my drive? On my CD I cant delete, or make files for my D drive Patrion thing, so, if I install it to my HD I should be able to make new files etc. right?

Just simple n00b questions from the Prons.

03-19-2004, 02:51 AM
If I get your question then yes you will be able to modify files once you've installed it. As for a little menu to pick the OS if you installed LILO then yes if you didn't then probably not. Theres some great docs around on how to set up LILO which is good because I don't use it so I can't help.