View Full Version : Stuck on boot

03-20-2004, 02:28 AM
Hello, I am brand new to knoppix. I downloaded Ver 3.3 and burned it to a CD. Set the computer to boot from CD. It starts and checks the system(cpu,graphics,sound etc.) the knoppix screen comes up and a box with 7 icons in it, the first one is a monitor and is lit, the second is a wrench and says initializing system services, after it is done, the third is a globe and says initializing peripherals. It hangs on the third one and goes no further. I left it for 10 minutes and it did nothing.
Any ideas ?
Thanks tekie :?

03-20-2004, 03:57 AM
do a test cd at the boot pronpt

(when knoppix gives you the option to type things in)

type knoppix testcd that will check to see if the cd if defected.

03-20-2004, 05:19 PM
Hello firebyrd10,
I typed in knoppix testcd at the boot and it checked the cd. Everything had OK beside it. It stopped at the bottom of the page at KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX, this came right after KNOPPIX/knoblind.bat . I am not sure if it checked everything or not because it said at the top that " this may take a while" and it checked this in 1 or 2 seconds.
Thanks tekie

03-21-2004, 11:56 PM
Hello, just an update to my problem. I tried the CD in my sons PC that runs the same Win XP Home and it booted perfectly. I guess the problem must be a periphial on my PC. Any ideas on how to figure out what it might be?
Thanks tekie :(

03-22-2004, 12:18 AM
You may try making a boot floppy and tryin it to see how that works.

03-24-2004, 12:31 AM
I made a boot floppy and booted with it and it only went to the same spot as described in my first post. I assume it is having a problem with hardware on the PC but how do I determine what it is?
Thanks tekie :x :x

03-26-2004, 03:06 AM
sorry I haven't answered, been on a trip.

I had that problem on my laptop. Useing noagp the problem went away. If that doesn't work try useing the failsafe boot up. If that works then telling knoppix to not detect somthing would fix the problem.

I wish this tablet had a keyboard so I don't type on a virtual keyboard with a pen and not have to worry about typos so much. :roll:

03-27-2004, 03:27 AM
Hello firebyrd10,
WOOH!!! You are over my head, you must remember I am as green as grass when it comes to Knoppix. Could you explain what noagp is and how to use it. Also what is the failsafe boot up.
I really appreciate the help.
Thanks tekie :) :)

03-27-2004, 03:44 AM
Take a look here:


but first, get into your bios and set the box to "non plug and play OS". It's a no risk option -- Windows will run fine.

03-27-2004, 03:53 AM
Tekie, to elaborate...

the "noagp" is a cheatcode, and would be typed the same place as you typed in the "testcd" - at the boot: prompt...

From what I know, the "noagp" is "No Advanced Graphics Protocol" - not sure, don't quote me on this.

The "failsafe" is also a "cheatcode" - and would be likened to Windows running in "Safe Mode" -=- "failsafe" would be used to get Knoppix booted w/o any extra needed stuff, or, more appropriately, disable everything -=- if you can boot with "failsafe", then it must be something that is loading w/o failsafe. In Windows, this would be a trouble-shooting test - if you can boot windows in Safe-Mode, then "something" in your usual boot-up is causing Windows NOT to boot. Using failsafe would be the same thing. When you are booting Knoppix, and you get the screen where it says "boot:" - press F2, and you will see a small portion of the available "cheatcodes" that can be appended to the boot: prompt...

You might look at all the "noxxxxxx" cheatcodes - one of them is the noagp, others are noapm, noswap, noscsi, nopcmpcia, etc... all of which would "disable" a service in booting Knoppix - very usefull when trouble-shooting boot problems in Knoppix...

Tekie, don't worry so much about being "green", I am still learning this OS, and have been doing it only for around 3 months now - I have a lot more to learn. No one here, even if they won't admit it, was "born" with this knowledge, just lots of practice...

Besides, as Kermit the Frog would say: "it ain't easy being green...", but a lot of things are green [giggle]

Hope this helps,

03-27-2004, 05:12 AM
Correct. the noagp tells knoppix not to look for a advanced graphics port. THough sometimes that doesn't make any sense like with my laptop. It doesn't have one but the cheatcode works anyway. Sorry about leaveing the details out but like I said I was on a tablet. THough cuddles did a pretty good job explaining everything.

oh an by the way (just in case anyway) the way to type in the commands is like this.
for no detections of some hardware (like noagp) you would type knoppix noagp
and if you wanted to not detect another thing it would be like knoppix noagp noapm etc replaceing words as needed. for failsafe just type failsafe

Now if you can boot up with failsafe mode then there is some peice of hardware thats stopping you (for me it was the agp which was why I suggested it to you) the only way to be real sure (that I know of) is to stop detections of every suspect hardware 1 by 1.

anyway hope you get it fixed

03-27-2004, 04:37 PM
Hello all, :D :D
I got it!!! I tried failsafe and it went to a blank screen. I then tried noagp, same, noapic, same noapm and it worked perfect.
Thanks for all of your help I will have to explore Knoppix now.
Until next time ( I'm sure there will be ) tekie :D :D

03-27-2004, 06:57 PM
Great! now well wait to see if you have naymore problems. :lol:

I just kinding. But you know that if you do we are always here.