View Full Version : Questions from a Linux user

03-23-2004, 04:17 PM
1) How do I change the screen resolution in KDE without restarting the PC?
2) Linux recognizes my Logitech USB mouse but the mouse doesn't move! The only mouse working is the IBM Thinkpad built-in mouse. What's wrong?
3) How do I kill a program in KDE?
4) When connecting from Windows to Knoppix I get a username/password request and whatever I type (user root and knoppix) I can't get in to see the shares. What am I doing wrong? I also configured the Windows shares in the KDE control panel.

03-23-2004, 05:47 PM
I can answer:-

1). Use ctrl-alt-plus or ctrl-alt-minus (on the numeric keypad). This doesn't quite work the way you would expect.....

3). type ctrl-alt-esc a skulll and crossbones will come up as the mouse pointer, click on any part of the window of the program you want to kill. You might also want to go to the shell and ps -ef and use to kill to get any remaining bits that are running.


03-23-2004, 06:14 PM
Regarding 1). There is a command xrandr which changes screen resolution, e.g. for my setup:-

root@Home:/etc/X11# xrandr -q
SZ: Pixels Physical Refresh
*0 1280 x 1024 ( 433mm x 347mm ) *75 60
1 1152 x 864 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 59
2 1024 x 768 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 70 60
3 800 x 600 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 72 60 56
4 640 x 480 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 72 60
5 1280 x 960 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 71 60
6 960 x 720 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 60
7 928 x 696 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 60
8 896 x 672 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 60
9 832 x 624 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 74
10 768 x 576 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 74 72 59
11 700 x 525 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 74 59
12 640 x 512 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 60
13 576 x 432 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75
14 512 x 384 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 70 60
15 416 x 312 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 74
16 400 x 300 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 72 60 56
17 320 x 240 ( 433mm x 347mm ) 75 72 60
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none

So I can do:-

xrandr -s 2

to select 1024x768

Still doesn't do quite what you'd expect.....

03-23-2004, 06:45 PM
Okay. To make the change I think you want to make you have to edit lines in the [screen] section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (make a backup!!!).

Mine was set so that "1280x1024" was the maximum (each is listed for the available colour depths) I removed this and the other odd one (1152x864) and left "1024x768" - when I rebooted, KDE came up in 1024x768 - correctly, with menu showing etc.

I'm just about to put it back.....


03-23-2004, 06:53 PM
Thank you Stu :)
The Ctrl+Alt+Esc was the first thing I did (old Windows habit) and it didn't work.
A new question is how I start the Lisa daemon at boot? Weird that it's so hard to configure...

03-23-2004, 06:54 PM
Putting the entries for 1280x1024 brings it back at next boot!

