View Full Version : Problem with toram boot

03-23-2004, 11:27 PM
Every time I added Knoppix toram to boot command, knoppix refused to boot properly. On the first and second try, knoppix gave an error that some system files are missing and its booting on minnimum mode and it booted to full screen DOS command prompt like. The third time i tried, Knoppix booted and entered the splash screen and the config menu appeared, but it froze at initializing periphals then the config menu dissapeared and nothing else happened.

I scanned my RAM using memtest 86+ and no error was found
Is this a known bug? please help

P.S sorry for bad English


Abit NF7-S 2.0 2.0 Bios, 3.13 UDP
CWT 400w PSU
Primary Master: Maxtor 6L040J2 - 40 GB UDMA133
Primary Slave: Maxtor 6Y060L0 - 60 GB UDMA133
Secondary Master: LiteOn 401s@411s
Secondary Slave: Pioneer DVD-115
SATA: Maxtor 6L020J1 - 20 GB UDMA 100
Radeon 8500 64 mb - Cat 3.10
1x 256mb DDR PC-2100
1x 512mb DDR PC-2700
Leadtek Winfast TV2000xp deluxe

03-25-2004, 02:51 PM
--I notice that your RAM appear to be different speeds; try upgrading to 1GB of RAM, same speed. (The other issue may be that by only having 700MB RAM, you are not leaving enough for anything else to run.)

--See if knoppix will boot normally, without "toram"; if it doesn't, you might have a bad CD burn.

03-26-2004, 09:03 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply.

See if knoppix will boot normally, without "toram"; if it doesn't, you might have a bad CD burn.

Knoppix will run just fine without the toram command, and the cd check was completed perfectly

I notice that your RAM appear to be different speeds; try upgrading to 1GB of RAM, same speed. (The other issue may be that by only having 700MB RAM, you are not leaving enough for anything else to run.)

Both of my RAM are running at 266Mhz synched with the CPU's FSB, so i dont think thats the problem. And are you sure that 768 of RAM isnt enough to use toram command? I read somehere that you only need 512mb of RAM to do so.


03-27-2004, 01:05 AM
Both of my RAM are running at 266Mhz synched with the CPU's FSB, so i dont think thats the problem. And are you sure that 768 of RAM isnt enough to use toram command? I read somehere that you only need 512mb of RAM to do so.


I used the toram with 768 it works fine but it is matched eg. 3 x 256 PC133 same brand. Have you tried knoppix toram failsafe to rule out a problem with the hardware detection?

Bernd Blaauw
03-27-2004, 03:20 AM
toRAM simply copies the entire KNOPPIX file
(695MB) to a RAMDISK.

then what's left will be your system memory.

so 768MB is not that much RAM. still no explanation to as why it
would not load for you.

for DVDs, use the FROMDVD option to only copy files from the Knoppix directory to ramdisk, and not the entire DVD
(you'll run out of space on the ramdisk then..)
