View Full Version : /etc/fstab problem on boot

03-24-2004, 01:06 AM
Hi all,

Knoppix works wonders on my work laptop, a new Toshiba A10, on which I've now done a hdinstall. I want to do the same at home, especially since I regularly dist-upgrade my work laptop through a high bandwidth connection and keep all the .deb files. Unfortunately for me, my home computer won't boot into knoppix. It hangs at this point:

Scanning for hard disk partitions and creating/etc/fstab...

The hard drive light flashes a few times, then stays on constantly. There is nothing fishy in the partitioning, as it has all been done with cfdisk as supplied with Slackware 9.1

I have tried every possible combination of failsafe, expert, 2, noprobe, etc. but to no avail. Always the same problem. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix it? I'm fairly desperate to get this working...

Thanks alot,


03-24-2004, 05:00 AM
Try setting the bios to "non plug and play OS".

Can you give us any details about your home computer?